Hi all-
I guess if it is not one of my toddlers, it will be the other!!
DD is spirited and I have thought she was low sleep needs. Now at 12mo she is doing weird stuff to me.
We actually have been on 1nap since about 9.5mo. She was doing A times of 4-5hrs happily and sttn 13hrs. Now all of a sudden she did this today:
A 3hrs
S 40min (woke happy chatting)
A 4hrs
S 1hr and still going! Problem is it is 445pm and I am going to have to wake her soon.
This is just today, but for the last month or so I have been going strictly on her cues as she was getting OT, so I went with the flow. That means she will do anywhere form 2.5-4.5 first A and usually 5-6hrs second A and about 12 hr (or more to make up for a short nap). The thing is she never sleeps more than 1.5hrs for her nap. Sometimes she will do 2hrs...but it has been a few wks since she did that.
We did do a med wean trial and it failed so I do know her sleep has been a little off the last wk. But she seems to be back up to speed with her meds (not screaming before every sleep anymore) so I don't think pain is the issue, plus she was doing this weird thing before the trial.
I have noticed she will sign to nurse about 20-30min before she gets tired. That seems to be my first sign she will be wanting a nap.
Oh and she does not respond well at all trying to get her to nap UT!! It is a physical act of strength to hold onto her just to try to calm her into sleep. She does things her way a lot of the time!! Did I mention she is Spirited??
I guess I just don't know if I should be doing something or continuing to go with the flow more. My DS just did the 2-1 VERY different. He is a day sleeper through and through. He did 2 x 2hr naps until almost 1yr then by 14mo was fully transitioned to 1 nap x 3hrs almost over night it seemed. He also could barely do 2.5hr first A until he switched then when he started refusing second nap I just pushed his morning A and taa daa..we had 1 long nap!! (textbook/angel)
So I guess I am just not sure what I need to do here?