Alright, I have 2 kids, my 27 month old, and a 3 month old.
In December, a week or so before christmas my oldest was sick and not sleeping, so for the first time I went ahead and let him sleep with us so we could sleep. The next night he slept in his crib, and a few more nights after that as well, but then the problem started.
He wanted to sleep with us all the time, and I selfishly allowed this because with the newborn I was already losing so much sleep so to get enough I let him come in our bed...
Hes now out of a crib and in his toddler bed, and at this point when we get him to bed we have to sit in the room and he will fall asleep in his bed but wakes up 3 hours later at his room doorway with his blankey and his bottle ( I really want to ween him off the bottle, dont know how to start it off though ) but he stands there screaming because hes so scared, and then when we try to bring him back to his bed he freaks out and wont stay...
( I would also like to get him out of the habbit of needing one of us in his room to fall asleep)
His schedule is normaly this,
7:00- wake up
7:15- breakfast
10:30- nap
12:30- lunch
3:00- snack
6:00- dinner
7:30- bath
8:15- bed
The schedule isnt always this way though, me and my husband have to run errands late when he has late days or field days. So sometime hes not in bed by 9:30...
But not only is our bed not big enough for him to be in it, but I would like to cuddle with my DH while we sleep!
Any advice is great!