Author Topic: 18 months hates crib!  (Read 1232 times)

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Offline Nicolo12

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18 months hates crib!
« on: March 22, 2011, 06:29:25 am »
My LO is nearly 18 months and last week he decided that he didn't want to take naps anymore. He will scream when you put him in his crib, he even does it at night for BT. It seems like he goes back into this pattern occasionally. He seemed fine and took naps pretty easily for awhile, now he WILL NOT. He's OK rocking in the chair with me in his room but when he knows he's going to the crib he will cry and then if I leave, he will scream.

I saw this "wi/wo" on here in reference to an 18 month old who wasn't sleeping. What does this mean? Is there a toddler version for the "PU/PD" method for babies? I don't know what to do with my crying toddler except sit and rock in the chair b/c he is so heavy.

Also, at this age he needs only 1 nap correct? Approximately how much activity time should be expected between morning wake up and afternoon nap? 4 hours? I know it varies.

Offline babybarr

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Re: 18 months hates crib!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 10:54:02 am »
Can you post what routine you currently do please?

WIWO - walk in walk out, *is* the toddler version of pupd.

Have a read through the FAQ at the top of the toddler sleep board, there's lots of useful info there too. :)

Offline Nicolo12

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Re: 18 months hates crib!
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 07:01:42 am »
Usually wake time is around 9am, but lately it's been thrown off and he wakes at various times, depending on what time we are finally able to get him to sleep the previous night
Bottle after wake (he won't allow for anything else until he's had a bottle - want to ween from bottle soon!) Then about an hour or so later I try to get him to eat breakfast too
Usually really grump this time of day, but I won't go into this(maybe it's cabin fever... so glad warmer weather is on its way)
Usually I'll try to put him down for a nap at 1 or approx 4 hours from wake time (but lately, of course, the nap does not happen)
snack before nap
His length of naps always varies which is slightly frustrating, but I won't go into that either. Sometimes they are as short as 30 min or as long as 2+ hours. usually it's in between.
Lunch after nap
dinner around 6-6:30 ideally
bath 7pm, jammies, play with daddy or watch his favorite shows for awhile
bed between 8:30 or 9, usually 9

Offline babybarr

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Re: 18 months hates crib!
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 22:20:32 pm »
Most bubs do best with a bedtime around 7pm is there any way of getting to that? 
Also if he short naps you need to bring bedtime forward, he sounds like he's a tad OT.  What's going on with teeth atm?  Canines are typically coming in around 18mths and they can really play havoc with sleep.

Did you have a look at the FAQ
This link is worth reading and if you decide which method you like we can go from there...


Offline georgeo

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Re: 18 months hates crib!
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2011, 03:32:24 am »
What about trying a longer first activity time too?  DS was on 5 hours at that age, but they are all different.  It might help with the nap refusal.

We were having troubles with PU/PD when DS got bigger.  Someone on here suggested lying down on the floor beside the crib instead and it worked better for us.  It was almost like he was confused why we wouldn't pick him up when we were standing beside his crib.  This way we can put our hand through the slats on the crib if he needs it.