Author Topic: Suggestions on my 3-hour EASY for 3 month old  (Read 840 times)

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Offline mama-ana

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Suggestions on my 3-hour EASY for 3 month old
« on: March 25, 2011, 02:26:22 am »
I started recording my FF LOs 3hr EASY today as I decided to cut out the cluster feeds.  Here is what I got:

E - 3:45am - 3oz
A - none
S - 4:15am-7:20am
E - 7:30am - 3oz
S - 8:45am - 10:15am
E - 10:30am - 4oz
S - 12:00 - 1:40pm (woke her up)
E - 1:45pm - 4oz
S - 3:30pm - 4:30pm
E - 4:50 - 4oz
E - 6:10 - 2oz
A - bath, pjs
E - 7pm - 1.25oz
S - 7:30pm - 8:30pm
E - 8:40pm - 3oz
S - 9:20
DF - 10:50pm - 2oz

I'm really a bit lost after about 4:50 above.  I'm torn between trying to feed, get through bath, bedtime, etc and getting overtired and letting her take a catnap.  I start work tomorrow and am desperate for her to sleep through the night.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  EASY worked really well with my first daughter, but I'm struggling with juggling both or their schedules/routines.


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Re: Suggestions on my 3-hour EASY for 3 month old
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 15:13:03 pm »
Hey there hun, you could really drop the cluster feeds now, especially that you still have a DF. Do you wake her from that 03.30 nap, if not I'd let her nap longer, feed when she's up, then go through your usual routine and feed again before bed. You'd want that last A time to be around 01.15 ish hrs to avoid OT by end of the day.

I'm not much of an expert on FF, but this link might also help give you some ideas about the feeds:

Good luck with going back to work :-*
Adam's Mum

Offline das100

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Re: Suggestions on my 3-hour EASY for 3 month old
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 21:44:58 pm »
How much does your little one weigh? I found that by upping the ounces I feed my LO during the day he now sleeps much better and has been going through the night for the last 2 weeks. (He is now 10 weeks and weighs 5.75kg) I combine feed, giving him a breast feed at 7am and 7pm but the 4 bottles he has through the day I make to 7oz and he generally has about 6oz at each feed. I was giving him 4-5oz and he was waking regularly through the night.

Apparently a baby needs 150 - 200ml per kg of body weight, so at 5.75kg I worked out the most my LO should have at most 40oz a day. Since upping his feeds I found he is sleeping so much better. I know every child is different but at 4 weeks old he would scream from 11pm through to 7am and I really feel putting him on EASY has helped him so much and saved our lives.

Our typical day is
E 7am BF
A 7.30
S 8.30 ish

E 10am 7oz bottle
A 10.30
S 11.45ish

E 1pm 7oz bottle
A 1.30pm
S 2.15 ish

E 4pm 7oz bottle
A 4.30
S Cat nap around 5ish depending on his mood

Bath around 6.15pm
Feed 7pm BF

In Cot by 7.45pm
DF around 10.30pm ish 7oz bottle drained

If you are FF all feeds you could make 6oz bottles for each feed and 7oz for the DF. I make more just because you can never be sure how much BF they are taking.

Good Luck x