Hi, my DS is 13 weeks old tomorrow. Since about 3 weeks of age he has been a TERRIBLE napper, no matter what I have tried. At least as of the past 2 weeks he has sort of been taking 40 or 50 min naps. When he was about 5 weeks old no matter how he got to nap he would always wake up every 10 or 15 mins.
Lately though I have noticed that he is still usually happy and has not fussed a lot at about 1.5hr A time. But I still take him into nap to avoid OT. Sometimes he fights it and screams his head off but other times he's quite happy and fall asleep calmly.
About 2 weeks ago I used to be able to resettle him after a short 40 min nap with some AP but now he won't have any of it. As a result we end up with heaps of short naps or a very unsettled baby by bedtime.
Can someone please help me sort out his napping routine? I should add for the past week his nights have been awful too. He used to go to bed around 7:30ish and would sleep uninterruped till about 10:30 or 11 PM when he would wake up for a feed. NOw he has been waking up almost every 40 mins and needs a feed around 9pm to settle again. Then he is up at odd time during the night too, sometimes feeds at other times doesn't but is very fussy and spends most of the night tossing and turning. THen around 6:30 AM he goes into deep sleep and sleeps until about 8AM.
I can't really post a consistent routine because we don't have one!!
But here was our day yesterday and so far today:
Yesterdaywake - 7:40AM
E - 7:45AM
A - 7:45 - 9:10 (was still happy but I took him in and he screamed heaps!)
S - 9:30 - 10:05 (wouldn't resettle after nap)
E - 10:30
A - 10:05 - 11:30
S - 11:30 - 11:45, woke up and took till 12:15 again to resettle. He just kept looking around. Then slept 12:15 - 1
E - 1:30
A - 1 - 2:30ish
S - 2:30 - 3 then woke up and tried to resettle and he slept from 3:15 - 4ish
E - 4:20 and 6:30
A - 4:ish - 6:30!! Too long I Know but he refused a catnap and finally only slept at 6:30
S -6:30 but then he woke up again at 7:45 and slept in 5 mins around 7:50PM. He was up again at 8:45 and needed to be fed at 9PM. Then he woke again at 11 and I can't remember when else
What do you think is going on with him? Is he UT or OT? The truoble I face is even after a short nap he refuses to sleep easily without a fight if I take him in earlier than about 1.5 hr of A time. But that is too long after a 45 min nap right?
What should I do with him? He also doesn't seem too interested in his feeds and cries and refuses sometimes after he BFs on one side. Is he not hungry enough after 3 hours?
Could someone please advice me as to how to tweak his routine. At 13 weeks of age can they start to transition to 3.5 hr EASY? or even 4hr EASY? I am not sure what to do. I am going a bit crazy with his short napping!! And it's hard for me to attend to DD who is 2.5yo as well.
Thanks heaps! I should also add that today was a similar sort of day. He slept for 50 min in the AM after 1.5hr A time. Then he was up again for about 1.5hr but only slept 40 mins. THen I tried to feed him and put him back to sleep within an hour but he cried and did fall asleep but then had a restless sleep for about 40 mins with wakings every 10 mins and finally fell asleep. I am waiting to see when he'll wake up!
if he is still happy after 1.5hr A time after a short nap should I just leave him be instead of forcing him to sleep? Surely he can't be ready for 2hr A time he's too young right?