Spence wasa fussy eater since she started solids, had some sensory issues with sticky/messy foods, self limits what she will eat, plus she is dairy, egg and gluten free.
We are down to few foods, but my mission is to keep putting things on her plate in the hopes that one day she might eat it - no pressure, no goading her to eat, nothing - and it works! She ate ham one day after a year of refusing it, pork roast another. This was also something recommend by our autism consultant, they said even to go so far as having her help shop, prepare food (okay, your guys are a bit young for that!), then touch, then lick, then taste...that every "interaction" with the particular food would be one more step in getting them to taste it (they said usually 30 tries or more is what it could take)
It's really hard to do, DH finds it harder than I do, as I am more hands off in my parenting style than him, but it has worked for us. I also make sure every meal has a couple of things I know she will eat plus one that she hasn't been.