Hello!!! I've posted many questions on this board and always have received many great advises!!
My DD is 6month she mastered the rolling over since she was 4month, but the last 4 weeks she has being completely obsessed with them. She rolls every time she gets, changing diaper, putting cloth on/off, etc is mission impossible because she want's to roll all the time.
During the day she spends lots of time on the floor or her gym so she can roll all she wants.
The thing is that she can only roll from back to tummy and doesn't know yet how to come back, so after a while she gets tired and cries. I teach her every time how she's supposed to do to roll back, but I think that's something that you don't learn but figure out by yourself, right?
At BT she settles herself on her cot and falls asleep very quickly, but when she wakes instead of putting herself back to sleep she rolls....or I'm not sure if she rolls on her sleep and because of that she wakes....
Anyways, this is causing A LOT of NW and me having to come in her room at least 6 times to put her on her back when she cries. Usually when I put her back she falls asleep very easily, but after 5am she stays awake....but that's another story of EW I'm working on.
Last night I let her cry (it's more like a complain) for 3min and she fell asleep on her tummy. She stayed asleep for 2,5h like that.
I'm not sure if maybe that's her new way to sleep...but she does complain a lot when she rolls. I'm also afraid of SIDS if her want's to sleep on her tummy so not sure it's a good idea.
I know all this is developmental, but is there something I could do to prevent the NW??? Have any of you had similar problems?
Thanks so much!