Author Topic: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?  (Read 1151 times)

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Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« on: April 04, 2011, 23:09:10 pm »
Just curious if anyone has advice on if and when I should drop the df? DS is 6 months and often wakes during/ after the DF so we are losing D part if you catch my drift. I also feel that he doesnt really take a full feed anyway at that time as his last feed is around 7-7.30. That being said he is still waking AT LEAST once in the night at different times and will often take what seems to be a decent sized feed. He has also taken to waking up at 5/ 5.30 and rolling around in his crib so our days are all off. We weaned his paci a couple of weeks ago and I hoped that would resolve the NWs but nope- no such luck.

Anyone had a similar experience?

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Re: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 16:44:46 pm »
Is your LO FF or BF?  What is the routine like during the day?  Are solids established?  We never did the DF because it interrupted my LO's sleep. But I do think that is your LO is now waking for it, that maybe the expectation of being fed at that time, is also a disruption.  What do you think?


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Re: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 22:00:57 pm »
Yup I am pretty sure he is waking for it most nights even though he doesnt usually have a full feed. He is breastfed and having 3 decent sized solid meals per day. We are getting NWs and EWs so our days are a bit messy but usually involve 2x 1.5hr - 2 hour naps. He woke last time around DF time so I am thinking I will just drop it and if he wakes try him with a quick PUPD instead. I am sure the NWs and NFs are my fault as I respond to him too quickly but DD is in the room next to us and I dont want him waking her. He does go down for naps independently and he was rolling and waking stuck on his tummy but last night stayed there and slept for a little while so maybe once he gets the hang of it that will disrupt him less.
Given that I just weaned the paci (which he LOVED) I am reluctant to use it as a tool for weaning NFs so I guess we will have to just see how things go with shortening feed time etc

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Re: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 00:05:08 am »
You could always wean it completely with PU/PD, but make sure you are consistent.  If you waiver, he will not give up. ;)

I ask about the routine, because often NWs and EWs are routine related.  I understand that he has 2 naps, but the timing of the naps are important.

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Re: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 00:55:04 am »
Last night he woke for his DF @ 11 as I was planning to just skip it (some days he doesnt wake). He ate reasonably well. He woke again at 3ish - had a very small feed and then I put him back to bed awake. He rolled on to his front but seemed happy enough so I just left him. He woke an hour later and took a decent feed (i figured as he hadnt really eaten at 3 I would see if it was because of hunger) and went back to sleep until 6.30 (his bed time was 7pm so that is a decent night for us apart from the NWs). I always try to make sure that even if I do feed him he is still awake going back into his crib. I have also started to cut his feeds short if he will let me and just cuddle him for a couple of minutes instead.
He is doing about 3 hours of A time then a 1.5hr-2 hour nap ... on a good day. If his naps are too short I shorten his A time and try to fit in a catnap but often he will refuse this entirely. At the moment he is on meds for an ear infection (although he hasnt seemed to be in pain at all just they noticed it at his last vaccination appointment). I will hold off on any PUPD until we know that has cleared though.
Do you think PUPD instead of a feed will stop the NWs? I could really use a nights sleep. With DD i had to switch to formula at 6 months due to my supply pretty much drying up from being pregnant so I could tell how much she had had in the say. We stopped night feeds at 6 months with her as she was a really good eater during the day... but she didnt STTN until 9 months anyway.
I am wary of creating a new problem for myself by feeding him at night too often- but at the same time it is difficult to know if he is actually hungry without trying him with a feed. How long would you do PUPD for before deciding he is genuinely hungry?

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Re: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2011, 16:10:34 pm »
If you feel your LO is hungry and taking full feeds, I wouldn't attempt PU/PD.  PU/PD will not end in a NF no matter what.   A lot of the time, BF mothers wait to tackle NFs until solids are fully established and they are sure that hunger isn't an issue.

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Re: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2011, 00:36:51 am »
So he is currently on meds for an ear infection (never seems in pain) which I think have caused him to be extra gassy. He woke last night and was tooting up a storm and I think he had a tummy ache. I ended up feeding him but always put him in bed awake. In the day he goes to sleep independently without much fuss.... but at night he seems to always want to be fed-even for a minute- before resettling. I always stop him feeding as soon as he is bring 'lazy' about it and set him back in bed somewhat awake. I think he now has 2 habitual wakes- at 2 am and 5 am so think maybe I will try and tackle the 5am with w2s and if it is a success try it with the 2am feed. If not we will just have to go cold turkey with no NFs I think as he is a good weight and will eat plenty of solids. Will wait til after the meds are out of his system and he is less gassy first though.

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Re: Drop the DF even though DS not STTN?
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2011, 20:17:18 pm »
Good luck.  I hope he is feeling better.  Definitely wait until he is totally well.