Author Topic: Possible teething, 90 mins. of PU/PD, and tylenol (pain med)  (Read 1215 times)

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Offline heath2112

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Possible teething, 90 mins. of PU/PD, and tylenol (pain med)
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:55:30 pm »
My LO is 6 month 2weeks. We have been doing BW 4ish hour easy 7-7 for about a month now, with success, but I've had to retrain several times with vacation and shots. I do a dreamfeed between 10-12 depending on when I wake up.
Now, I am worried about teething, he has been drooling like crazy the last day or so.  Last week my LO got shots, so I nursed back to sleep for two nights while he recovered from that. Last night I was going back to doing BW and he woke up at 11, I fed him, then at 2, I gave him baby orajel (topical teething med), and did pu/pd for 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, he wouldn't settle down. I was exhausted, frazzled and gave him some tylenol (stronger pain med). He calmed down after another 20 minutes.

My question is, how does Pu/pd and BW work when you suspect teething? And a non BW-related question: when do you give pain meds for teething? I am not 100% sure there's going to be teeth or that he needed the tylenol, but I was exhausted.


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Re: Possible teething, 90 mins. of PU/PD, and tylenol (pain med)
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 13:38:24 pm »
My question is, how does Pu/pd and BW work when you suspect teething?

The short answer is that it doesn't. ;)  If you think he's teething/sick/recovering from vaccinations/etc, just do what it takes to get him through it.  Sometimes this means that bad habits can emerge but it's usually too hard to try to do any sleep teaching when they're not feeling well.  And it's really not fair to expect them to be able to do it.  I know I can't work on new skills when I'm feeling bad!  The issue with teething is that it can go on for some time - at my house at least! ::)  So then you really need to take it day by day and make a plan that works best for you.  Sorry that's not the most concrete answer. ;)  I basically try to watch him and figure out how much I think the teeth are an issue and go from there. 

nd a non BW-related question: when do you give pain meds for teething? I am not 100% sure there's going to be teeth or that he needed the tylenol, but I was exhausted.

This is a related and also kind of tough question!  It gets a little easier to read them as they get older.  But I think you did the right thing where you tried to see if he would settle but when he didn't you gave meds.  If he's been drooling a ton, putting everything in his mouth all day, is crabby with pink cheeks, etc, then I think it's pretty straightforward and you can go ahead and give meds at bedtime.  Otherwise I usually wait a bit and see how he does in the night.  Also, Motrin is usually better for teething (since it has anti-inflammatory properties) so you might try that instead now that he's over 6m.  It also lasts longer. ;)

Does that help?

Offline heath2112

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Re: Possible teething, 90 mins. of PU/PD, and tylenol (pain med)
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 15:35:13 pm »
That does help a little. I just want to get back on track so badly. I think it's teething, but since this is my first, I really have no clue. IF he's still super drool-y today, then I will give him Motrin at the 10pm dream feed to see if that helps him sleep through the 2am wake-up call. If not, then I'll suspect something else is going on. THANKs. Yes, I suspect teething is going to be a LONG process, especially since my LO is somewhat spirited.

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Re: Possible teething, 90 mins. of PU/PD, and tylenol (pain med)
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 17:32:07 pm »
I just want to get back on track so badly.

I hear you.  Teething is the worst.  (For some anyhow - including us - although for some it's really not bad!)  Let me know how it goes. ;)

Offline MomtoAlexJosh45

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Re: Possible teething, 90 mins. of PU/PD, and tylenol (pain med)
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2011, 03:11:32 am »
Hi, I'm new to the board but having the same issue (LO is 4 months), drooling, shoving fist into his mouth, etc. I do give him Acetimenophen if he's pretty cranky during the day before he goes to bed. Just curious though, was it teething? My OD got her first tooth at 6 months and teethed for months prior to her sprouted tooth. LO is textbook, while OD was/is spirited.