Author Topic: 7 month old up every 2-3 hours - previous good sleeper  (Read 940 times)

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Offline honeybeze

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7 month old up every 2-3 hours - previous good sleeper
« on: April 05, 2011, 15:25:17 pm »
My now 7 months old DS slept well - 5-9 hours at a time - from approx 6 weeks until 4-5 months.  At around 4 months, he consistently had 2 NW (I always BF him when he would wake), and now it is 2-4 NW (only 2 is a really good night!).  He has been in his crib for naps and night since 10 days, has a very solid bedtime routine, settles easily for naps and during the night, is only up long enough to eat and is back to sleep immediately.  I am worried this has become a habitual pattern, rather than a need for feeding.  He BFs frequently during the day and has 3 meals of solids - sometimes a snack or 2 as well.

I am VERY NEW at EASY as I found this forum trying to find help!  So this is APPROXIMATE.  He is in daycare 1 day (sometimes 2) a week, so that throws this off a bit, too.

Up at 630-730
E: 700 BF + solids - fruit & cereal
A: 730 to 930 sitting, jumper, snuggle
S: BF then down at 930 (or earlier if up earlier) to 1030 - usually a 45  to 90 minute nap
E: 1100 BF and Veggie or fruit
A: 1130 to 1300 or 1330
S: BF @ 1300- then nap to 1430 usually 60-90 minutes
A: BF then A of 1430 to 1700
E & S: BF then 1700 CN of 20-30 minutes
E: 1800 BF then veggie and or fruit with sometimes cereal
S: 1900 - bath, book, bottle AND BF then bed by 1930 to 1945 - asleep within 5 minutes of PD.  A little thumb-sucking - no paci or lovie.

His typical schedule is up for 2 hours then down for a nap - I am thinking I need to extend his A time.  Also, he BF every 2-3 hours all day.  At night, he is up by 1030 to 1045, again at 1230 to 130, then at 345 to 445 or so (these times aren't set in stone, just approximates).

I have tried DF to no avail - he is up 2-3 hours after that.  We have also tried an earlier bedtime (as early as 645, to 700-715), with no difference.

 Here are my considerations:
1) try to start supplementing with formula - maybe a bottle at bedtime?  May have to ease into this - tried once the other night and he was rather gassy and fussy with his first NW.
2) try to NOT feed prior to a certain time - I am thinking midnight.  If he wakes up prior to that, try PU/PD or a dummy feed.
3) try to start feeding less at a time, choosing 1 feeding to start this with.  Maybe only feed on one side for the first feeding, and go from there.   
4) as I said above, extend A time - I think this is a need, anyway, with his age.  Also, cut out the late CN as well. 

I am just hoping to find something to tweak as his sleeping should be improving with age and solids, rather than regressing!!!   More than 2-3 hours of sleep at a time would be such a treat!  Luckily, he is a quick eater and settles, so I am only up for 15-20 minutes, but would rather do this once a night instead of 3 or more!  Have I created a bad habit???  I am hoping the breast hasn't become his paci during the night....I suppose if this is what I have done, then PU/PD may be our answer.  Sheesh........
Momma to Ryder & Axel, my 2 miracle boys. Wife to Tadius since 2002 - the love of my life!

Offline honeybeze

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Re: 7 month old up every 2-3 hours - previous good sleeper
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 16:14:32 pm »
Thanks for the welcome!  I love this site - so much information and support!  I have spread the word amongst my momma friends.....

Anyway, I agree and have been working on increasing his A time to 2 1/2 to 3 hours and he has tolerated it just fine and lets me know when he is ready for his nap (he has always been this way).  I also agree that the breast has become a prop (as much I never wanted that to happen!!!)  He does regularly nurse before his morning nap and bedtime.  That being said, I try to put him down drowsy but still awake.  The times I put him down rather awake w/out nursing (prob about 50% of the time) he does fuss for a few minutes, but almost always settles to sleep on his own.  I will work on maybe nursing before his bedtime books instead, and not nursing before his morning nap? (not sure how that will work as he does nurse every 3 hours...)   Maybe nursing...THEN a book? 

The last 2 nights I have done PU/PD for his first NW (between 1045 & 1130)- and it worked!  We were up for about 15 minutes, and he eventually went back to sleep after a minute or two of crying after I put him down the last time.  Hooray!!  Both nights he only woke up once to feed (between 2 & 3) and then was happy until morning.  He was rather sleepy during the feeds, so I am tempted to just PU/PD then too - but am afraid this is all too much too soon for him.  He usually wakes up once fairly early (between 5 and 530) - only for a minute or two - and settles himself and sleeps again until between 630 and 730.  Then he plays in his crib happily until we come get him.  I will be happy if we can get down to 1 NW/feed for the time being & the last one will go when DS is ready?

I know we are blessed with a very resilient, good natured baby, so this is going smoothly - but just as I figure it out, I am sure there will be a curve ball!  So it goes for the next 18 years!!  It's all an adventure!  Thank you SO SO much for your input - it helps more than you know!
Momma to Ryder & Axel, my 2 miracle boys. Wife to Tadius since 2002 - the love of my life!