Author Topic: Need help with shifting around 12 month's old feeding schedule  (Read 9828 times)

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Re: Need help with shifting around 12 month's old feeding schedule
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2011, 11:23:10 am »
Thanks, Laura! I have so far tried a Nuk sippy cup, Dr. Browns, Nuby, and a straw cup (not sure which brand it is, but it has Elmo on it which I thought could be enticing haha).  I end up taking the spill proof valve out (of the Dr. Browns) because I didn't think he was getting it.  And I felt like even if he doesn't put it to his mouth, if he turns it over (which he does quite a bit), at least he'll see water coming out of it and maybe understand. 

I have the Tommee Tippee cups actually - they are in a bag unopened, so I can try them.  I don't think I posted it in this thread, but one day, I became extremely stressed about getting him to use a sippy cup and I bought way too many of them and just figured I would keep trying different ones.  (DH truly thought I lost it (maybe I did!) and thought I was completely insane!) When I regained my sanity a few days later, I thought that maybe I should chill out a bit and give him a little time with each one before trying a new one. :) Still not having much luck, so maybe it's time to try a new one. 

DS only started holding his bottled and drinking from it around 11 months (according to my mother that is because he knew I would do it for him and why do it if mom will), so it could be that he'll just be a little late to develop with the sippy cup.  We'll see.  I can at least take comfort in knowing that I am armed and dangerous with the multitude of sippy cups in my closet. :)
(formerly samsmommy3312010)

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Re: Need help with shifting around 12 month's old feeding schedule
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2011, 12:26:52 pm »
I did the same with DS - bought one of every cup on the market I think ;D ::). I learnt my lesson by the time we had DD though! I don't think there is much connection between holding bottles and drinking from cups, both mine had a sippy from 5/6 months and caught on pretty quickly but neither held their bottles for themselves until they were over 1.

The thing about the TT cups is that they can have fun with them. If they blow into it all the water comes shooting back into their mouths and then they can just open up and let it dribble out everywhere. Funny how both mine learnt to do this with no help whatsoever ::). Plastic backed bibs were my best friend for a while ;)
