I have been here for about 18 months reading and ingesting on needed topics. However, I now have a question. We have two children with special needs, one of which has, since he was old enough to start baby food, declared he hates meats. He's now 5 and he hates them. He will eat a hot dog...somehow he doesn't realize it's meat. So we get him the healthiest version we can for some easy protein and fat. Other than that, he's a veggie/fruit/grain boy. He loves raw fruits and veggies as well as cooked. Today, for example, he begged me for a carrot and just ate the whole thing, raw. Great, but it's so hard. Does anyone else have experience raising a vegetarian kiddo? Milk and cheeses are fine. He likes them, a lot. Do you have any website recommends, cook books, etc?