HI, not sure this is the right forum for this..but here it comes.
Our 4yo daughter has always been tiny for her age, a fussy eater, in the lowest 1 percentile of the chart. BUt up to about 2.5y of age, her height and weight gain were cosistent. THe past few years her eating has gotten worse and worse. We're at a point where she will drink 100ml youghurt in the morning, but is simply not able to eat anythign else for breakfast. She will then eat 1 or 1.5 sandwiches for lunch, a few biscuits at 3pm, then REALLY struggle for dinner, with a few spoons of verg (potato/beans, etc) and a bit of meat (mostly procesed, as she won't touch anything else). THen another 150-200ml strawberry milk. If i try count her calories, i'd guess its max 700-800/day, and that by using butter in her food instead of the lower fat alternatives.
No snacks, only likes savoury but won't really ask for it. Doesn't like choc, sweets AT ALL. Will eat plain cake, icecream, a few fruits.
We are really lost: we spend 45min - 1hr on her dinner, with stories etc. Plenty APOP, just to get her to eat something. I know we are not consistent, have tried the approach of letting her choose when she's finished eating, but then her intake goes ever more down, and we panic she's not even gettign the little she was before.
Is anyone else in a similar situation? Is there a "magic" diet we coudl follow? I realise consistency is essential, but we feel like we don't knwo what's best. Also petrified of causing eating disorders in the long run..