Thank you both for your helpful responses.
We are going away for a week when LO is 6 months, mid-May, and we wanted to get the weaning process started prior to going rather than that week or a week or two before.
However he is showing little interest in food and he rarely finishes a 7oz bottle (with exception to his BT bottle). He continues to sleep through the night (with DF at 10:30) and only has 2-3oz at 7:30am.
The signs that he is ready for weaning are: He can hold head up very well and sits with a little support, his birth weight has just doubled, he gnaws on anything possible, and when I have recently given him cough mixture he seems to handle the spoon ok (although tries to spit the contents out/refuse them!).
Is it worth me trying something at around 8:30 (hr after his first bottle)? Is he likely not to want it because he appears not to be hungry in the mornings or could it be that he's just not hungry for milk?
What are the best things to start on, I was thinking pears for breakfast initially and sweet potato for lunch/evening (when I move onto that). Assuming that I am right in thinking I introduce one meal i.e. breakfast only for a few weeks and then an evening meal for a few weeks and then finally lunchtime?