Author Topic: How to night wean?  (Read 762 times)

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Offline meredith1851

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How to night wean?
« on: April 13, 2011, 18:08:50 pm »
My DS had his 4 mth shots today and we talked about all his  night wakings. I had been able to wean him to just 1 feeding around 2-3 AM for over 1 month now, but she feels that I should try to wean him from that 1 feed as well because she thinks that could be causing all his frequent wakings and that it will only get worse.  What are some gentle approaches to doing this? With the other feedings at night he sord of just weaned himself when I noticed he would only take an 1-2oz, but he has not shown any indication of taking less at this 1 feed at night. In fact it is the largest amount he ever takes in a 24 hr period since it is 5-7 hrs after his bedtime bottle.
Thoughts? (I have been holding through the jolts/wakings for 2 weeks now all night to keep pushing out that feed as long as I can but I am exhausted and can't keep doing that. I can push him to 3 or 3:30AM instead of 1 or 2AM, but again, he needs my assistance in doing so and I am a walking zombie who needs sleep now.)

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Re: How to night wean?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 21:25:03 pm »
It's awfully early to be pushing a LO to no night feeds IMO. When he takes the one feed is it a whole feed? I know you said he's not taking less and it's the largest in 24 hours, just want to make sure that it really is a big feed, consistently. If so, then I definitely would not consider eliminating it. Then he'll just be waking even more because he's hungry!

Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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