So my 5 mo LO currently has an ear infection...or he is still on the antibiotics anyway (second round). The past 4-5 nights he has been waking in the middle of the night crying and fussing (on meds for reflux). I try to hold off on feeding him, but he is definitely hungry. Last night for example he had a 4.5 oz bottle at 11 PM, 5 oz bottle at 2:00 AM and 4.5 oz at 6:10 AM! I am thinking he must be going through a growth spurt. Even when he is healthy, he wakes often at night and usually has two bottles. However, he used to finish the first and eat very little of the second. Now he is eating both and wants another within a few hours! I have tried to increase his feeds during the day, but he rarely drinks more than 4 oz during the day at a time. I am sure that this will all change once he is off the antibiotic. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!