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« on: April 14, 2011, 10:34:35 am »
So even though I said on Becky's thread I wasn't stressing over the veg situation, I'm stressing a little bit.

Its always been a mystery as to whether DS is low sleep needs or not.  However he's currently super-high needs and it's been going on much longer than a GS.  He always seems tired, even asking for bed at the dinner table!

Doc suggests that he's low iron, probably exacerbated by all the illness we've endured this winter.  We've not done testing because it means drawing blood from a toddler but she suggests more iron rich foods and possibly a supplement.

So how to get more iron into a kid?

The only thing he'll wind down is meat.  So this week I've done beef twice (burgers and then meatballs last night), pork tenderloin, whole grain pasta (seemingly iron enriched) and tonight will be chicken.  I should add that what's good for him to eat is bad for me - red meat not ideal for me.  But I love it and have always needed it to keep my own iron levels decent.
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Re: Iron
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 12:15:18 pm »
I'm worrying about the same thing Wendy. Ben seems to always be tired at the moment and looks it, with big bags under his eyes. He certainly doesn't embrace veg! He'll eat carrots and peas happily and enjoys courgettes and mushrooms but most others (particularly green ones) he'll eat a mouthful and then declare he doesn't like it.

Just reading along really!

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Re: Iron
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 12:40:11 pm »
Some good sources of iron:
green leafy vegetables, beets (my kids love these and you can put them in smoothies!), asparagus, grapes, bananas, figs, dried fruits, beans, soybeans, sunflower seeds, meat, fish, poultry, peas, eggs, whole grains, lentils, millet, pumpkin and sesame seeds, and blackstrap molasses.  (got this from my infant/toddler nutrition book).

You can put the molasses in all sorts of things I'm sure if you're creative!
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Re: Iron
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 14:40:04 pm »
Also, Vitamin C helps iron absorption - so if he'll have fruit along with meat at meals, or drink OJ or smoothies with spinach, etc added along with OJ that will all help.
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Re: Iron
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2011, 15:28:06 pm »
Also, Vitamin C helps iron absorption - so if he'll have fruit along with meat at meals, or drink OJ or smoothies with spinach, etc added along with OJ that will all help.


Our family snacks on organic (non sulpharized they are ugly brown not pretty orange) apricots. Very good iron source.  you can also stew them with water on stove and it becomes a lovely jam/spread for toast. 

Couscous, soybeans, pate, pumpkin seeds (you can grind them in blender to powder and add to smoothie), quinoa, white beans, molasses, lentils and spinach.

For any old timers on here they remember my "swamp mix" in food processor zip up spinach/kale with carrots and keep in fridge a few days.  Sometimes I'll add parsley, basil and zucchini too. Add a few spoons to everything.  Especially soups and stews and sauces. I make my pesto with this mix. I add to egg, tuna, chicken salad too. Great in turkey/chicken meatballs and burgers too. I've done it it in cheesy eggs or omelette as well.  DS has been having this swamp mix since he was 1 yr old.

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Re: Iron
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2011, 15:36:58 pm »
Ais - I had totally forgotten about the swamp mix - of course now I remember. That rocks!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Iron
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2011, 15:43:53 pm »
Apricots - 'no like it'
Couscous - 'no like it'
Edamame - 'no like it'
Smoothies - 'no like it'
Spinach or anything related to salad - 'no like it'

Well you get the idea lol

You have to remember ladies I don't cook my own stuff.  That doesn't mean we eat all manufactured stuff but I do very VERY basic meals.  Like chicken on the BBQ with a few spices thrown on.  Chicken and a side of peas would be a meal for us.  Maybe rice.  Whole grain pasta with plain tomato sauce.  Spaghetti once in a while.  Scrambled eggs.  In summer it's all just meat on the BBQ with a veg on the side.  I think my biggest beef is making something nice and healthy and him rejecting it and it really does just go to waste.  I hate wasting so much food!

I don't make sauces, stews, soups (he won't eat soup), or anything like that.  I am really hoping to master my own tomato sauce but that's about the only sauce we would eat.  I'm just not a cook in any way shape or form.  Baking I do quite well and sometimes enjoy.  But cooking I hate.  I have tried to get better at it for Finn but I'm just really not that good or creative.  I can follow a recipe but I don't really have the time to spend cooking just now.  Maybe when he's older.  All I feel like eating these days is a sandwich for dinner lol

Interesting about the seeds though.  Did not know that.  So I can do a nice trail mix and he might eat that.  Throw some small bits of apricot in and sneak it that way.  It's all about texture for him, if it sticks to his hand or roof of mouth he doesn't like it.  I've gotten backlash from dried fruits, prunes and apricots.  Too big and sticky I think.  He's not had seeds yet so that's the next step.

Aisling I'll have to figure out what stewing is to make jam lol  I'm so naive and virginal when it comes to cooking.  But I used to love apricot jam as a kid apparently.

It's hard having 3 picky eaters in one house lol

Grapes, berries, anything fruit he's really good with.  Well good is a relative term for a toddler.  But we really do serve fruit non-stop at home because he'll eat it and it tends to be a common dessert in our house.  And I did know that tip about vit C.

Molasses means I need to make more gingerbread cookies ;-D
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Re: Iron
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2011, 15:53:40 pm »
Does he do pizza? If so, buy pre-made crust (or make your own) and chop spinach and kale REALLY finely and add under the sauce and cheese. Never fails here. DS doesn't notice and I tell DD that it's basil and parsley! If he'll do pesto sauce on pasta you can chop spinach and kale into that too.

As for smoothies, my DS hates them if milk based but likes fruit/juice based one. His favorite is either strawberries or blueberries blended with bananas, apple juice, water and avocado (for good fats) but you can easily add spinach to that too or instead.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Iron
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2011, 15:58:30 pm »
Great tip about the pizza.  Yes I am going to make my own pizza more often.  I typically see pizza as more of a 'cheat' food for me but I've completely cut back on how often and what I have on it.  I've reduced mainly to cheese only pizza.  So yeah, I could put spinach in there without him really knowing and throw a lot of cheese and sauce on top. 

That smoothie is making me hungry!  So do you put ice in yours too?  Can you give me the measurements (yes I am THAT naive and stupid lol)  I can't just add this and that and have it turn out edible/drinkable.  We also don't readily find good avocados.  We don't have great grocery stores :-(  But spinach is not something I have considered.  I just can't imagine what it would taste like.  And does it turn green?  I am sure he would say 'no like it' if he didn't like the colour.  He's getting picky about how something 'looks' these days, even passing up his favourite, banana, when it didn't look yellow enough lol
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Re: Iron
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2011, 16:10:05 pm »
Pizzas are so easy to make and leftovers freeze well too. I typically chop up mushrooms, baby spinach, onion and garlic and sautee it in a bit of olive oil and add that to the sauce and put that on the crust (after spraying olive oil on the crust, then top with a lot of cheese and bake. Sometimes I make my own sauce, sometimes I blend carrots or sweet potato puree in too.

I don't put ice in it because that makes it thicker and DS likes it thin - more like fruit juice. I generally use a 4-6 ounces of apple juice, 10-12 ounces water, one banana and about 5-6 large strawberries OR like 30 or so blueberries. I then add a whole scooped out avocado too but if you are doing spinach instead I'd start out small - maybe 1/2-3/4 cup baby spinach (raw baby spinach is sweeter and less overpowering a taste than frozen spinach). If it tastes bitter or too spinachy, add more fruit - if you can add more spinach go for it! That amount I then use over two days (keeping the rest in the fridge), adding water to his cup if necessary to thin it out (or extend it if he wants more).

The avocado doesn't really turn it green, the spinach a bit more so but still not too much. And I put it in a blue/designed sippy cup and tell Matthew it's his fruit shake. He loves it and would live on it if I let him.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Iron
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2011, 16:18:10 pm »
Spinach and avocado don't turn our smoothies green if I put frozen wild blueberries in.  ;)

And make sure it's blackstrap molasses, not just regular molasses.  ;)
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Re: Iron
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2011, 11:37:00 am »
Listening in...


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Re: Iron
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2011, 16:02:27 pm »
Would blackstrap molasses be OK added to a smoothie without changing the taste or consistency too much? Just found out today that DS tested quite low for iron. A bit scared to do supplement since he has a very sensitive tummy.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Iron
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2011, 16:05:03 pm »
TBH I've never tried it in a smoothie.  If I remember to pick some up maybe I'll give it a go and let you know.  ;)
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Re: Iron
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2011, 22:42:21 pm »
Turkey, tuna and salmon are both good sources you could cook on the BBQ
Lots of cereals are also iron fortified so perhaps look at the packets you buy and choose those versions.
You can also put veg puree in things and you never taste them. Broccoli is easily hideable in an egg ommlette or pancakes and not tastable if you put on some cheese or dip in yoghurt/honey respectively. Also the yolk in the high iron bit so maybe make omlettes/scrambled etc with less white and more yolk.
Also have you considered using formula instead of cowsmilk as this has a much higher iron content. Even in porridge etc if he won't drink it straight.