Author Topic: Habitual Wakings - How to fix?  (Read 825 times)

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Offline newmama12

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Habitual Wakings - How to fix?
« on: April 15, 2011, 14:29:57 pm »
We have multiple issues - nw's and ew's. I have no doubt that my ds's (8.5 months) nw's are habitual. They're almost at the exact same time every night (give or take 30 minutes). This has been going on for almost 5 months now.  ::) It's completely my fault for always going in and feeding him, thinking he was hungry and needed to eat. Now, we have a problem b/c he can't get back to sleep w/out me. He does take a pacifier but that doesn't seem to help soothe him well enough.
How do I fix them and which do I work on first?! I'm, also, wondering if a later bedtime would work better for him. I have often tried a super early bedtime when naps were bad (6:15pm the earliest we've done) but it still results in a 6am wake up, sometimes sooner.

Here's what a typical EAS looks like:

6:00am: trying to rid this EW along with all the NWs. I keep him in his bed as long as possible. He usually fusses for 30-45 minutes.
7:00: nurse
8:00 breakfast
9:00-10:30 (this naptime is hit/miss b/c I never know when he is 'really' awake in the morning).
11:00 nurse
12:00 lunch
1:30-2:30/3 (the latest) nap (this nap is sometimes earlier if the am nap was short)
3:00 nurse
5:00 dinner
6:00 nurse and/or bottle for bedtime and then bath
6:30-7 (depends on naps during the day) bed
10:00pm first NW (nurse him and he's really not interested. Uses me to get back to sleep and done in about 10 minutes).
1:00am or so - wakes again and I give him a 5oz bottle which he guzzles down
5:00am or so - wakes again and I nurse to get him back to sleep
6-6:30am wakes for the day

I'm not even sure where to or how to start fixing this? Should I work on the 10:00 pm wake up first in hopes of getting hit to go till 1:00 am or whatever?! Do I do PU/PD? Or what?!

Please help!!  :-\
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 14:34:02 pm by newmama12 »
Mom to my Spirited DD (5) and Textbook DS (23 months) :)

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Re: Habitual Wakings - How to fix?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 18:54:02 pm »
I'd use PUPD to settle him when he wakes at night. Yes it will be a few rough nights, but as you know he doesn't need those night feeds at this point.