Author Topic: HELP! Only eats pediasure & animal crackers  (Read 1670 times)

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HELP! Only eats pediasure & animal crackers
« on: April 16, 2011, 02:56:02 am »
My 2yo wont eat anything but pediasure and animal crackers! he has always been severely picky, but he goes through these feeding strikes where he wont eat anything but his pediasure, and this one is long. he is still gaining weight okay, but is this really okay? how do i help him?

« Last Edit: April 18, 2011, 11:10:01 am by Canwi »

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Offline anna*

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« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 07:33:05 am »
What does his Dr say? I wouldn't be giving a 2 year old formula unless on Drs advice, I would let him have a small cup of cows milk in the morning and one at bedtime. If he's filling up on formula he's not going to have any motivation to eat, kwim?

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« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2011, 03:20:03 am »
they (ped. and gi) do recommend that we supplement his missed meals with pediasure (not sure if they have it in London, but its more of a toddler-child complete nutrition supplement. it "can be used for complete nutrition" but i don't feel to good about it.  he still wont drink cows milk. he typically wont eat breakfast at all, so we give him one in the am, and then try lunch, snacks and dinner, but when he refuses let him have it. not sure if i should just cut it out entirely or what...
sometimes i do get frustrated with his refusal to eat and give up though. he just gets so whinny, but he wont eat anything i try...

he did have a problem with reflux that was influencing his appetite for a while, (at one point stopped eating and drinking entirely) but we got him on meds for it and he seems to be doing somewhat better.

so any advice? should i just try and offer him anything i can think of? i'm just not sure, i have tried offering him several options at meal times, but i feel like that is creating bad habits. but i can't let him starve, (or eat a liquid diet for the rest of his life). grrrrr

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Offline anna*

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« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2011, 06:42:35 am »
TBH if theDr is recommending pediasure I would also want their support with the eating issues too - ie to treat the problem not just give a band aid. In normal circumstances I would say to offer varied meals and snacks but not to then replace with milk, and to keep meals low pressure, but if his Drs are aware of this I would honestly go back to them and ask for more advice or a referral.

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« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2011, 08:26:36 am »
Tough call, in regards to what to do.

My DS is fussier than my DD, he was sick with giardia for about a month before a doc finally found it and he felt sick while eating so it through his eating right off. 

He is what I would call a grazer, and I have no problem (now!) with simply putting out a platter and letting him snack all day.  If I did that for my DD she would overeat eat all day, she is much better with a set eating routine. 

There is another factor and that is going to child care. He eats a better range and a lot more there (because of the influence of the other kids).   ;)

HUGS, it is very hard to keep chilled out about it.  My advice to you is to not make an issue of it at all, put out foods he can graze on and allow him to touch and feel without any emphasis on having to eat them.  (mix in a couple of things you know he likes, or grows to like eg. the animal crackers).  DS has had periods of being very fussy, I just had to follow his eating style, not mine.

He is gaining weight well, that's great, so you have a bit of leg room to perhaps make his first pediasure in the morning to see if he appetite increases in the remainder of the day.  You could water it down a little too to encourage more eating later in the day.   ;)

Keep watching him, maybe there is a food type that affects his tummy.

In all honesty I think keeping it really easy going, and laying out the foods, allowing him to help or sit up at the bench while things are prepared is great for encouraging a range of foods.
healthy foods can come first, then good habits, such as eating at the table, and more set food routine can come gradually later (there is a lot we can manipulate over time, just got to outsmart them  ;) ). 

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« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2011, 11:03:15 am »
TBH I'm not a fan of Pediasure and I think some docs use it as a crutch. It was supposedly really developed for kids who literally would be tube fed if it were not for the liquid nutrition. And now it's instead being marketed as a thing for picky eaters. I totally get how stressful it is to have a picky eater - my DS is quite bad. But maybe homemade smoothies would at least be better? You can add so much good stuff to them - spinach, avocado, PB, etc.

Does he have any food intolerances? Have his iron levels been checked? Low iron can lead to low appetite and picky eating (we just found out my DS is mildly anemic actually).

Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline mum101

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Re: HELP! Only eats pediasure & animal crackers
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2011, 05:28:44 am »
low iron - didn't know that.
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8