Haven't seen in it H&B only at smaller independents - you can get it on Amazon though
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bronners-Castile-Unscented-Baby-Mild-Liquid/dp/B000O55I9O/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1303229198&sr=8-5It's expensive but it lasts FOREVER, you would use less than a tsp to wash a kid from top to toe!
So, I am basically lazy and didn't want to change up everything in our lives, so I started out by going SLS free for laundry and bath/body stuff. It turns out, that was enough to totally clear Stan's skin. Some parents have to find solutions for dishwashing/house cleaning etc, so I'm lucky we didn't have to do that.
For laundry I use Pure Liquid Soap Flakes by Dripak. They're pretty economical, get laundry clean. There's no 'clean smell' but if you miss that you can add a shake of essential oil to the detergent tray. You need to wash things quite a few times to get the SLS out - I did all Stan's laundry and bedding about 5 times (don't need to let it dry between cycles), and now I just use that for all of our laundry. Now that his skin is totally settled I can do the OCCASIONAL wash with a 'regular' powder if I have a heavy stained load etc. Also, now that his skin is settled he can sleep overnight at his granny's (she uses regular powder) without it flaring his skin.
For baths, I try to encourage him to have a shower and just use a tiny bit of Dr Bronners to wash him. DH and I still use SLS products for our showers, so if he wants a bath I use a tiny bit of Dr Bronners on a flannel to rinse out the tub (to get rid of residue), and he has a plain bath, no bubbles. Dr Bronners is fine for the hair too, although tbh I usually just rinse it, he really doesn't need shampoo and his hair never looks greasy/dirty. Again, now that his skin is totally calm he can have the occasional (once every couple of weeks or so) bath with a few mild bubbles in and it doesn't flare up. That is a treat though, he knows it makes his skin sore and itchy if we do it too often.
For after bath/shower, we used unrefined virgin shea butter (also can get on Amazon). It doesn't smell good and is kind of a PITA to use as it is so solid but it is fabulous (AND no SLSs). You could try olive oil or sweet almond oil, coconut oil... I'd really avoid the specialist skin creams though, at least until his skin is totally settled. Again (there's a pattern here), now that Stan's skin is clear, I can sometimes skip the moisturising altogether, or we can once in a while use a 'regular' skin cream (E45 or Oilatum or whatever) without it causing a flare.
Wow, epic post! Hope something here is helpful!