I've brought DD to a doctor here and he advised me to run allergy tests on her, even though she's very young. The thing is I have loads of food allergies (not serious ones though) so he agreed and introduced me to another ped who could do that.
I went to see her today (the ped) and she told me not to do any major changes in DD's food before the tests, as it's not worth trying to cut something without being sure if that was really the cause.
She told me to buy those old glicerine bar soaps to wash her clothes (and grate it if I want to use it in the washing machine) and have me some creams and bath stuff to help clearing her skin.
We'll be back there for the tests on Tuesday.
I have even bought the soy formula already! O.o but I'm putting it on hold. I just with (with all my heart) that the results don't show allergy to many things!
Hope you, Grants, have some luck with the milk test!