We've had a rough trot of late. My LO has sprouted 4 teeth in the past month and the next four are hovering just below the surface. We have just started 2-1 transition as her days were way too long (13.5 hrs). We are doing short am/long pm and during the day things are going really well.
At night she has become a bit of a monster. She used to sleep through the night really well, then we started having EWs, then the NWs started too. Last night she was up at 11pm, 2:30am, 5:30am and then up for the day at 7am. I am a zombie and my husband is the same.
I've been a little inconsistent with DD... mostly I don't feed her when she wakes but lately she hasn't been eating well (teeth?) and I'm tired, I feel a bit pressured from DH to just shut her up so we can get some sleep so I have been feeding her... Last night I fed her at 11pm and she guzzled down 2 boobs, at 2:30 she woke but resettled herself, then I fed her at 5:30, back to sleep until 7am. She is totally disinterested in her bedtime feed which isn't helping. I don't mind the 5:30 wake-up and feed too much - I figure this will disappear by itself when she starts eating more, but the other random wake-ups are killing us.
I know she's teething, and she seems to have a lot of trouble with this. She is very clingy during the day and then of course she's waking up at night. I am giving pain meds and teething gel (she hates me putting this on) but I'm at my wits end with the crying. I'm not sure if I should just comfort feed her to get her back to sleep, and deal with the NWs once the next teeth are through, or if I should tackle it now with a few nights of PD (usually takes over an hour with her, it kills me and I do it all on my own, DH can't handle it). What do you think? Is it cruel to do PD on a teething baby?
I feel like we're all over the shop and things used to be so good... will this ever end?