Author Topic: 14 week old early waking is it too late to correct or is this just the way it is  (Read 1075 times)

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Offline Double

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How do you conquer early wakings? I have posted on the EASY forum and someone commented the early waking could be the problem. DD is 14 weeks old breastfed and wakes once in the night. She isn't a huge eater throughput the day but always cluster feeds of an evening. She goes to bed at 7 - 7.15pm and until recently was waking between 11 and 1am now I leave her until after 2am and she normally just goes back to sleep. Until 2 maybe 3am has a good feed (best in the 24hr period) then goes back to sleep no problems. At about 4.10am she wakes again and I leave her again and she settles until 5.10 -5.10 then she is awake and while I do leave her to see what she will do she has so far started to cry and then Been up for the day.

So I wanted to know if anyone has had success in extending EW? If so how.

Should I just go in and feed her at 5.10 or when she wakes. When she gets up at this time and comes out tonthe lounge she never wants to eat!!! If she does we are talking a few mins so I wonder if she is indeed hungry.

A friend of mine said I should leave her otherwise it will become habitual waking?

Because of the early waking and not going to bed until 7pm is she waking out of tiredness. Should she be going to bed at 6pm instead.

My ds who is almost 3 was and still is a nightmare at bed and always wakes at 5.30am and now with her waking he is getting up at 5am. I know he is always so tired from this and I do believe I could have prevented this behavior with a little perseverance but I clearly missed that boat with him. I want to do my very best for DD and learn from mistakes so any advice is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Offline meredith1851

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Watching for responses as I am having a similar issue with my 16 week old. He goes down around 7-7:15, wakes around 1:30 which I have been pushing to 3ish,goes back down ok BUT habitutally wakes within 1 hr after that and is VERY fidgity and cant settle back down but cries horribly as he clearly is NOT ready to be up. I tried every method to resettle but no luck. I am so tired that I sometimes hold him lying down in the crook of my arm which helps him sleep for another hr or so. His 3 AM feed is the largest within a 24 hr period as well and he does not eat well first bottle of the AM either. Experts, please help the 2 of us figure out what to do!! :-[
His legs are always lifting up and slamming down lately...even at naps and he thrashes his head side to side. I am guessing this is developmental?

Offline Double

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I don't have the thrashing about but maybe that is to come. How much awake time does he have during the day (just out of interest)? I have s sleepy girl but when she is awake she has no time at all to eat. I'm talking a minute on the left and less on the right!

I'm in Sydney so its morning here. She woke as normal so thus time after 30 minutes chatting inher room I went in and fed her and she has just woken at 8.06. Yet normally if j go in I make it worse!!!

Offline meredith1851

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He is able to got about 1.5 (sometimes closer to 2) hrs of activity and then gets very cranky and I only recently have been able to get him to go down for a couple 45 min naps. Althought his mid day nap tends to be longer but he is all over the place and I can't get him on a very structured routine. (I am in the USA)