Author Topic: help with naps  (Read 2427 times)

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Offline flutterby0914

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2011, 18:15:36 pm »
NOw what am I doing wrong. I am only getting 30 minute naps. she stirs so I go in and pat her and she will go back to sleep for a couple minutes and stir again and repeat. I am able to extend by another 30 minutes or so..... How do I get her to go back to sleep after that first 30 minutes

Here is yesterdays EASY

May 2
E 830am
S 10am - 1053 (with a 30 minute wake up and then extended till 1053)

E 1053
S 1222 - 2 (extended after each 20-30 minutes)

E 2
S 345 - 445 (again 30 minute extended)

E 445
S 605-635

down for the night at 830

May 3 (today
E 730
S 845 - 937 (extend after 30 minutes)

E 937
S 1116 - 1210 (lasted 30 minutes and then only a couple minutes inbetween settling again)

Is she just getting used to going from 1hr A to 1.30-1.45 A time?
She will be 4 months on the 12th

Offline Shiv52

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2011, 18:21:01 pm »
It can take 3/4 days of consistenly increasing A times and extending the naps to see a significant change.  Is this day 2?

Offline flutterby0914

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2011, 18:30:07 pm »
yes this is day two. Could it be OT?
Ill keep trying to extend on shorter periods and see what happend

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2011, 18:40:09 pm »
30 minute naps could be OT but as it is only day 2 I'd keep going for another day and keep trying to extend the naps if she wakes early. 

I see you are feeding when you are getting her up from the short naps?  IS she showing hunger signs or are you just feeding her as the nap is over.  I would probably wait until she is due her next feed. So get her up and have some A time and then do a feed when it is due. 

Offline flutterby0914

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2011, 16:50:58 pm »
I do feed her after a nap. I try to extend her about 15 minutes or so after she wakes up but that is the first thing she wants to do when she wakes up. If she isnt fed she screams and screams till she is. She is a really big eater and eats around 2-3 hours during the day (but sleeps 9+ at night before her first feed) I am hoping that when/if I can get her into a 1-1.5 nap schedule that she will be better at spacing her feeds and will go 3-4 between feeds.

This morning she was up at 6 and down for a nap at 745 which I think was to late but she wasnt showing any signs of tiredness. Only slept about 30minutes and wasnt showing any interest in extending. Shorted teh A time to about an hour as she was still so tired and she was up about 30 minutes after but after 20 minutes of extending she is still sleeping and we are going on 1.15hrs so I still have hope :) Although I can hear her starting to stir now

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2011, 09:38:26 am »
Well she is clearly hungry when she wakes!  Do you think hunger is waking her early from the naps? 

Thats great you were able to extend.  Have you tried w2s at about 25 minutes if she seems to always wake at 30 minutes?

Offline flutterby0914

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2011, 14:45:46 pm »
Hunger may be waking her up. I was wondering that last night. This morning we did
A 700
E 745 (she had eatten at 445 as normal)
S 842
So I am hoping that she will still have a full tummy for the nap

I was reading on the W2S and havent tried it, to be honest. I am worries that as soon as I touch her she will go from sleep to wide awake and nap over. But at this point I think it is a good shot as she is wide awake at 30 minutes anyways :)

Offline flutterby0914

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2011, 15:32:27 pm »
ARRR. I am down to 20 minute naps now... I wonder if she is OT. This morning was about 1.40 of awake time. After 20 minutes she started to stir and nothing I would do would put her back to sleep. I have no idea how much A time to do before the next nap. :(

I have got to be doing something wrong as in 5 days we have gone from 45 min naps to 20 minute naps with very hit and miss extending.... I will keep at it but she is going to be such a bear all day if I cant get her to sleep

Offline flutterby0914

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2011, 18:34:20 pm »
We are ont hour 6 with a 20minute nap 3.5hrs ago. Can you say OT....... :(

Offline TashArnall

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2011, 13:44:37 pm »
My 7 week old has started a trend of 30-45 min naps this last 2 weeks. At first I didn't think anything of it, but not it's happening all the time.
we are on a 3 hr easy starting at 630-7am
I don't know what to do with her when she wakes up way way early until her E time. I've tried putting her back to sleep, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I spend up to an hour trying to get her back to sleep, then it's time for her next feed so I give up. It's exhausting!! I've tried WTS a few times. But it's hard because it looks like to me like she's hardly ever in deep sleep. I don't try it unless she looks like she's in deep sleep, or else there's no point I think.
Please help.

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Re: help with naps
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2011, 16:45:55 pm »
{{{{hugs hun}}}

I don't know how I have missed your replies to this post.  How have things been going?

TashArnall....{{{hugs}}} Do you want to start your own thread?  You'll get more eyes and advice that way as people tend not to read older posts.  If you need help doing that or want me to make one for you from your post just let me know x