Thanks guys! Glad your lo is sleeping better Nikki.
Lily, so sorry you are having a tricky time with your lo, it's not easy is it? I initially did try to increase feeds, but trying to fit everything in, with meals etc was really hard. He would only take very short feeds. When he was younger I just fed him at night, but I was getting to the point where I was exhausted and had to chnage soemthing. I think the problem started after a run of illness, teething and growth spurts, when I just fed on demand and after that I think he expected to be fed at night.
I think increasing your milk supply sounds like a brilliant idea, because if you really think she is hungry then it should help. I do think the last time he wakes in the early hours he is genuinely hungry, so what I have done is to gradually stretch this time by 15-30mins using the pd part of pu pd and it seems to be working.
night before last he woke at 3.30am cried on and off for an hour, but not enough to need my input, then went backto sleep until 5am when I did pd for 30 mins then fed him and he went back to sleep until 6.30, which was fab. Then last night I heard him murmur in the night and that was it until 5.30, (that is an acceptable time for me to feed him!) so I did and he fed for a long time (40 mins or so) then went back to sleep until 7.15!!! He is doing so well at the moment, although I know things can change.
I know you are getting lots of help on some of the other boards, but have you checked out Katet 's post about ngith wakings? I'll see if I can find it. It's very good.