Thanks Maritna

i did post the routine on the EASY board but hardly got feedback, which was not enough.
People keep telling me i need to increase his A time.. but as it is, it's quite long, for eg from 9 am to 12 pm is 3 hours!
I really don't think he is a sanker, he is very efficient when it comes to food. he empties both breasts at each feeding and i know for a fact he gets the hind milk, as he is in the 98% wieght and hieght. he has doubled his birth wieght and then some

hence my original worry... if i chenge to 4 hours, then will he be getting enough food.
i tried rice cereal yesterday and today, he likes it i think, but he keeps blowing bubbles... he is not spitting out in disgust but i think he thiks it's a game!
His lack of sleeping is putting a major stress on me and now solids are stressing me even more.... i hope i can handle it and do what's right.