Thought I would write down a few days worth of my menu - see if you guys have any ideas
A couple of weeks ago I went to see a kineziologist (meant to be a very good one!) and started putting things back in my diet according to her advice. She told me to cut out lamb, asparagus and onions - these were the things she still said Julia was reacting to. But there were a whole load other things that she said should be fine.
2 May
Breakfast: rice cereal, rice milk, rice bread dipped into olive oil and honey
snack: grapes
Lunch: roast chicken with garlic, potatoes and cauliflower, roasted plums with honey and cinnamon
snack: olives
Dinner: roast sweet potato, roast chicken, lettuce
snack: rice bread
Before this she was quite good, but after today, she was very windy and unsettled in the evening and through the night with runny poo at 4am
Breakfast: rice cereal, rice milk, rice bread dipped olive and flaxseed oil
Lunch roast chicken with garlic, mashed potatoes, cauliflower
D rice, chicken legs, carrot and parsnip mash
snack: rice bread
a Very bad night, up every hour, lots of wind, mucousy poo in the morning
Maj 4
B: same as before
L gluten free pasta, sweetcorn, turkey thighs
snack grapes, raisins, sunflower seeds
D turkey thighs, chips, courgettes
Windy at night, waking 2.5 hourly but not as bad as night before
Maj 5
Breakfast: same
Snack: blueberries
L pasta, turkey and sweetcorn, olive oil, pregnacare
rice cakes
D potatoes, turkey mince, aubergines
Worst night of all, frequent wakings with wind, and skin rash appeared in the middle of night
Maj 6
B same
Snack, sweet potato, pear
L tukey mince and potatoes (took out aubergine) turnip
snack rice bread, maple syrup, pear
D chicken, chips, trunip
skin rash cleared by midday, still very windy, better night but still lots of wind
Any ideas/ suggestions?