She has been seen by a private paed - he only thought she had reflux and couln't really say anything to the mucousy poo issue at all. On the other hand, the allery paed thought it was purely food intolerances but didn't like the food chemical intolerance when I suggested it.
I agree that she was better on the first diet. I am inclined to go back to that though the problem is that I don't think she is only food chemical intolerant - I think there are multiple issues here. She was windy after eating beans and lentils and onion family. Peas seemed ok. So this really doesn't leave me with much.
How does this look:
rice, rice bread, rice cakes, gluten free pasta, gluten free buiscits, maple syrup
potato, lettuce, brussels spouts? (again a windy food), celery, garlic, swede
carrots, peeled cucumber or zucchini, sweet potato, beetroot - only one of these only once a day?
peeled pears - 2 a day
Am I getting enough nutrients here? Any other suggestions? Is pregnacare safe to take? I thought parsnip was moderate...
Don't worry about pulling my diet apart, that's the whole reason I posted it.