great thanks for the feedback. This is our routine:
6.15 she wakes up
6.45 breakfast
7.00ish she has free play
7.30 is inside play with me so we do painting, threading etc
8.45 Morning Tea
9.15 Outside play
10.30 we come inside and she has free play inside whilst get lunch ready
11.00 lunch
11.30 we read two books, have a cuddle then bedtime
this is when the fun begins she screams when i go and will not lie down. I've tried showing her with dolls what she needs to do but they normally get thrown out once i leave in anger. Actually today she stop screaming after 5 mins and is currently playing on her bed beats the constent screaming any way. How long do I do wiwo at this age? I find if she is not asleep by 1pm it mucks the night time sleep up to.
1.30 she wakes (this is if she went to sleep at 12)
1.45 drink and fruit
2.00 play either out or in
3.30 afternoon tea
3.45 play inside
5.30 dinner
6.00 shower
6.30 two books, bottle and kiss to bed
and then the fun begins again well lately it has
any advice would be great