With the TV one thing I have had to say here is that if I am not going to play WITH him and am allowing him to choose what to play with and how to amuse himself, then I have to accept that TV is probably going to be the choice. If I don't want him watching TV then I have to work to keep him suitably amused and interacting with me. I think it is a lot to ask of a 2.5 year old to choose something to do but then rule out TV, kwim?
Like Jill we also have the computer here as an option! Doesn't matter what I say, he pulls out my laptop turns it on, opens the internet, clicks on the bookmarks and does what he wants! It did not take long for him to learn! I have youtube bookmarked in the bookmarks bar and he knows to click on it. For the longest time i had to get him started (trains, bin trucks, police cars, etc) and then he chooses one from the list of what is available next. He can go in a stream for a good 15-20 minutes before the questionable videos start appearing (ie train crashes, and the other day he was watching with DH and I heard him say "mama says no watch this one" - he knew that was one I said no to earlier because it is a crash one, so he has learned quickly!) He also plays kneebouncers, which is no longer free but for 12 quid per year very much well worth it here! Sesame Street is another one he plays on.
Ditto to Martina with the texture play - I put out a large bedsheet and dump some rice and lentils on it, get out some yogurt pots and spoons, some of his cars or his sand toys and he will play quite a while. I do have to play with him to start him out, and go to him every few minutes and drive a few trucks around but I really think that is what you have to do with this age. And after we are done, yes there is rice ALL over the room but it just takes a quick vacuum and it is worth it for the play he got.
I stand him on a chair or his high chair at the kitchen sink with a sink full of water, some pots, some cups, a wire whisk, the pasta collander and flour seive and he will play for ages (30-45 minutes). I can cook dinner, get things done in the kitchen or sit and read the paper. Free