Author Topic: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?  (Read 13427 times)

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2011, 07:40:12 am »
He just wants someone to play WITH him, kwim?
O used to be like this but has definitely matured in the last 6mths and now will play more independently so Becky I would just try and encourage it, I'm sure it'll come!!

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2011, 09:05:00 am »
Well I was reading your thread wondering what my DS will likely be into when he gets a bit older. But it seems like probably mostly the same stuff as right now judging by what you are all talking about.

I've found toy libraries and toy hire places to be great when you want to change up their toys without having to spend a fortune and also not having to store everything once they get bored of it. I'm not sure if they have that kind of thing set up in your area?
We typically get a new toy once a month and take back the old one when we get the new. The prices are pretty reasonable and a fraction of what you'd have to pay for it from the shops or even second hand.

My DS loves to explore everything which includes taking things apart and examining all sort of things. He just loves mechanical things and has a set of cogs that stick to the fridge which he loves, will spend ages standing there arranging them and pushing them together and watching them turn and turn each other. He is also just sooooo interested in the inside of toys - their motors and stuff. DH gets out the screw driver and takes something apart and he'll be engaged for half an hour or more. Even just taking out batteries and putting them back in.

I think dont be too afraid to give them things that you think might be "too old" just because it says 3+ on the box. (All the good toys say that LOL) If your DS is bored of Duplo why dont you try for the older age lego? We give our 18mo the normal lego for 5-12! He loves it. Perhaps he needs to stretch his skills a bit more and needs a new challenge.

If your DS likes farm tracktors and those sorts of mechanical things then try to find something that has good moving parts that are a bit older. I know the brand Catepillar have some decent toys - replicas of the real thing, although thats mostly diggers and dumptrucks but maybe you can find a John Deere equivalent?

My DS is obsessed with the iPad and also loves watching youtube on it. Luckily for us (so far!) he associates his entertainment watching only with the iPad and not so much on the TV.

Oh here's another thought - dare I say it - what about a Nintendo Wii? They've come down in price a lot lately, and they're actually not a bad workout for indoors! If your DS loves the TV then the Wii is at least a more "active" option than just sitting and watching. You might be creating another monster, but it would probably buy you a bit of time for the new baby!!! ;)  The best part about the Wii is that you really dont need alot of games, the sports one (and also sports resort) that usually comes with it have lots of different sports games in it that I'd bet wouldnt take much for a 2.5yo to learn. Generally you just need to wildly shake the controller. hehe

Dont get me wrong though, normally I wouldnt advocate computer / consol games for a 2.5yo but I realise you've only got a short amount of time to find a few good options before #2 gets here! HTH

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2011, 11:16:01 am »
thanks Cathy - some great ideas here.
Yesterday was not good. I was in my p-jams and trying to do a puzzle with him at 8am just so he would be not watching TV and so I would not feel guilty about emptying the dishwasher (!) He was not particularly interested and then in the pm we had a playdate where his behaviour was shocking - would not settle to anything at all and just trying to dig up DH's veg, snatching toys off his friend which he then did not want to play with etc :(
Anyway, had to go out later and DH was with him. When I came back he said 'you probably don't want to hear this but he played by himself for quite a while after you left'
So....the problem may be me...

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2011, 13:34:21 pm »
So....the problem may be me...
Maybe he's used to you playing with him *a lot* (which really isn't a bad thing) perhaps you could do the 5mins thing - I'll play for 5mins and then I have to do the dishwasher and then I'll be right back and just do it!  He'll create I'm sure but as long as you keep your word and go back he'll (hopefully) learn some more independent play.  I've had to do this with O too.

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2011, 14:54:34 pm »
yes I think I need to do this Laura....I have always tried to play with him a lot as he has always been like this even as a baby but it is clearly not really helping. I think I might try a timer so he can actually see that I will play until the timer goes off and then I have jobs to do. I just don't want him to then go and turn the TV on every time.

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2011, 15:48:55 pm »
We have a red wagon...when dd was younger we filled it with sand, but then later we got a huge bag of pea-gravel....(tiny round stones usually used for landscaping) and we filled the wagon with the stones...she LOVED it!!  Some spoons, some cups, some plastic animals to bury....kept her bust for a LONG time!! Plus, it could be broguht inside too.

 Also...a bucket of water and a paintbrush...she would "paint" my car, the stones we have around our house....could paint a patio or walkway as well...then it evaporates and you can paint some more! 

Offline babybarr

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2011, 18:48:38 pm »
Get him to start by helping you with some jobs.  O loves to dust (well a piece of kitchen roll and lots of polish!) and likes to help with the washing and dishwasher.  When I'm cooking I'll often give him a saucepan and pots and things - doesn't always work but worth a try as well.

I would also do the timer so he knows when you're coming back - even if it means you haven't quite finished I think he may need that reassurance and also you can use that to encourage him not to turn on the TV (perhaps unplug it? :P )

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2011, 19:27:57 pm »
I do not have endless supplies of money or space
charity shops/freecycle! you can get new things and pass on things he doesn't use .... or ask a friend to do a swap??

looking forward to reading whole thread in a min

we are into cars, etc here - def agree that LOs seem to play for longer when left alone (that's my excuse for being on BW during the day!!!) - Murray likes me to be near him but not necessarily joining in ....

p.s. I think it's quite normal to go from one thing to next quickly at this age (I get Murray to tidy away toys as he goes though or the house becomes chaotic!)
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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2011, 19:36:22 pm »
quickly read other posts - couple more thoughts:
we have the tv on as background noise (he doesn't seem to watch it but moans if it goes off)

there are lots of "toys" you can make - Murray loves playing bowling with plastic drinks bottles and a ball (the bottles were filled with various items like pasta, as shakers!!).

he also LOVES helping with the housework (ie loading machine, then pressing "on" button, etc ... in fact now when there is a mess on the floor he will go and get dustpan and brush and attempt to sweep it up!!)

I found the more pregnant I got the lazier I wanted to be, so I would tell Murray that I would watch him and it seemed to work (meant when Oliver arrived he was used to sharing me!), as long as I was near him
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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2011, 19:37:47 pm »
Again, I am a lucky mum whose DD has always played well by herself. But last year, she absolutely loved our home made road and train track. We had an old IKEA cardboard box from some furniture (it opened up to about 2m x 2m when flat) and together with a box of wax crayons we designed it ourself. With kids, you don;t need to be an artist :P So we made a big rail track in the centre, a road around the edge, a paddock for her Little People farm and horses, a forrest, a picnic blanket with food she chose to be drawn on it, and over the next 6mths or so we have added a water tower for the trains, street lights along the road, a petrol pump swimming pool etc etc! She loves that it is hers and she can help it to change. In the beginning she wanted to scribble on it when we were colouring it, so we only get the crayons out when we are together and she tries so hard to colour in nicely. It isn't at all to scale, but she doesn't care, all her toys of different sizes play on it. AND it folds in half and slides under our rug to be out of the way!

It was a great way to sit together for 30mins and then I could get up and leave her to it for ages. Maybe he would be more into it knowing he has helped do it?

I love Claire's suggestion for different textures stuck on!

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2011, 19:47:30 pm »
That's awesome Andi!!!!  Fantastic idea!!

Today I gave DS a clean jam jar and lid and a handful of mixed coins.  He played with it for a good hour without bugging me!  Dumped the coins onto the lid, held them up one at a time and dropped them into the jar to make the loudest noise he could, put them in and shook them, sorted them into piles, etc etc.  Cost me nothing cause I get my coins back at the end of the day!

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2011, 01:25:23 am »
We do most of the fun things mentioned--sand table,water fun (inside the house).

Sometimes I try yo engage them in whatever "chores" I have to do then-- make Lunch with me, make a pretend lunch for your baby or dianasour.  Help me make dinner.  If i need to mop (dust) the floors I give them their own switfer that is shortened so they can help. Can they help you empty the dishwasher if you move the unsafe items first?  Can they type on an unconnected keyboard if you need to send out one important email.  Can you tell me the story of this book while mommy look at this important piece of mail? I bought a kids ironing board at target for about three dollars.  Kf we need to iron, I get out their iron, doll clothes, and some hangers and they iron along with Me.  We have a play vacuum.  Or, we have a little one (dust buster with a handle) that was "free" with our vacuum.  If i need to vacuum my kids will often use this vacuum that doesn't do a whole lot.

I am working on getting them to identify their feelings-- do you need some cuddles?  Do you need some additional attention from mommy?  Tell me so i can help you and you know how you are feeling.

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2011, 06:20:43 am »
he is not interested in 'play' things really. He wants to use the real hoover etc which is fine and I let him. Lots of things do not hold his interest like they do other kids, he is always looking for 'more' iykwim. It is partly a spirited thing I think and he is bright and acts completely different to other kids his age. I think being very pregnant is not a good combination and hopefully when I can move about better and don't feel constantly sick and tired I will be more creative and we can try and sort this out.....thanks for the tips though. We need to clean today so will try and involve him more and I like the idea of painting outside and the coins and jam jar xxxx

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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2011, 07:44:42 am »
Remember to tell him you are tired and need to sit down quietly and will watch him - maybe the less you do with him the more he will do himself? Remember, when you are really tired to use the TV etc as that is something you can do together that doesn't tire you out.  I was never going to let Murray watch TV and as a baby he didn't but now .....
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Re: what toys do your 2.5-3 year olds currently play with and enjoy?
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2011, 17:50:14 pm »
How do you do water play in the house? My kids really love it, and I sometimes let them "wash" the veg when I'm cooking, but I have to only let them have a little water or else it gets really wet around here... Any other ideas? Thanks in advance :)
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