Just when I thought I had parenting reasonably under control!
DD will be 11 months next week. She's been on solids since 5.5 months and was doing well, eating a good range of meat, fish, fruit, veg, dairy and cereals. She was down to about 14oz of formula a day - she was never a big formula drinker so it was sometimes a struggle to even get that into her.
Recently she was sick for 3 weeks with a really vicious virus and stopped eating; she was on tiny amounts of formula (but plenty of water; thankfully she loves it) for most of that time. She wasn't able for solids at all.
When she started improving we started giving her solids again but she had no appetite and would only take a few spoonfuls of food at any given meal, as well as the small amounts of formula. Her appetite returned with a vengeance at the weekend though; she actually drank 44oz of formula on Saturday; even at the height of her formula consumption pre-solids she never came near to that. So her appetite is totally back! But she's refusing the spoon - she actually cries if we try to spoon feed her. She may be trying to be independent, or she may be associating it with the meds we've had to syringe into her mouth lately (which she doesn't like at all), but either way, spoon feeding is not an option.
So, obviously (to me anyway; my parents, who mind her during the day, are of the opinion that we should just persist with the spoon. I dread to think how that's going for them today!) we need to move on to a baby led weaning approach - I don't think it helps anyone to make her cry at every mealtime and still not get anything into her.
But how do I approach this with a baby who suddenly has a bigger appetite than she's ever had before? She's well able to eat a slice of toast and cheese or a broccoli floret, but she was having such a range of different stuff up till now, it'll take ages to teach her to fill up on finger food, won't it? In the meantime, what do I do about formula?
Also, she lost so much weight while she was sick that she's back at her 7 month weight. She was always on the 72 percentile for weight and now she's just below the 50th; not such a huge deal but she's on the 95th for height so she's pretty thin for her size. She's not noticeably skinny and the hospital weren't concerned but it worries me that this is the time she picks to refuse to eat : (
Advice and encouragement welcome, I don't even know what I'm asking!