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Offline 1stimer

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5 week old HATES carseat/ride
« on: May 18, 2011, 19:22:47 pm »
My 5 week old spirited DD hates car rides/ being in her car seat. I figure being spirited and hating being swaddled, being in a car seat is very similar (being held down/ restrained somewhat). It breaks my heart because she will cry for 15-20min before she just falls asleep a hot sweaty baby. I can handle it a little better than my DH though...It really gets to him. Ive found that it is starting to keep us at home more than I would like or it makes me dread having to go out with her. If i have to go to the grocery store I have to wait for my husband to be able to come along or leave both of them at home becasue she will ineitably start crying while in her car seat in the shopping cart and someone has to hold her to get her to calm down. I know I shouldnt be running all over town with her since she is only 5 weeks, which im not doing, but even a simple trip to my mothers house is something we have come to dread. Sometimes we get lucky and can time it just right where she is asleep when we put her in the car seat and she will stay asleep for the whole ride but sometimes we cant wait for her to fall asleep (doctors apts to make etc.). Any tips on how I can get her to like or atleast tolerate the carseat a little better? ANYTHING HELPS!!! :-\


Offline firsttimemummy

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Re: 5 week old HATES carseat/ride
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 20:11:23 pm »
Oliver cries as he goes into the seat but then settles. Murray used to cry in it and the way to settle him was to lift the seat up and down (rather than swing it forward and backwards!) ... I think it was mainly due to being OT more than anything.  At 5 weeks old basically A time is nappy change then getting into the car seat - maybe if you post your routine in the EASY forum someone could have a look and help .... Murray would only settle in the car at 50mph and is car-mad!!! Oliver, luckily, settles at a slower speed!!

With baby 1 you do tend to live your life round their routine, but no 2 has to fit in more with everyday life! You do have to get out and about - try to put them into carseat etc straight after feed ... remember there is the birth club 0-3 months for general chit-chat with other mums at the same stage ....
L x Having a bw break from 1 Feb 2012 - if you want to get in touch please send me a pm.  I may not be here but you are all in my thoughts xxxx (probably be back some time)

still happily married, just not counting!

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Re: 5 week old HATES carseat/ride
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 16:46:27 pm »
Alexandra was terrible at that age.  But I wasn't going to have a baby scream every time we left the house so we started taking daily car rides.  I began with quick 10 minute trips and slowly increased the time.. worked wonders in a few weeks!  Good luck!

Offline mjohnson33

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Re: 5 week old HATES carseat/ride
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 17:05:20 pm »
My son was the same way and unfortunately he just got used to it.  I had him in the winter too and we hardly got out.  I would feed him and time our outings so that he would be asleep when I put him in there.   He finally grew to be used to riding in the car at about 2 months.  He would learn to just relax.  When they are so little they just dont know what's going on but when they get old enough to look around and stuff they get much better.   He is now 5 months old and loves the car.  good luck!!

Offline Mama_Mia

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Re: 5 week old HATES carseat/ride
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2011, 17:13:40 pm »
My DGS absolutely hated his car seat we tried everything but he would scream the entire time we were out. Finally when he was about 2 months old we bought a bigger car seat. Its one that can be rear facing or forward facing. It was kinda big for him, but the first time we put him into it.There was no more crying. I have no idea why but glad I spent the money. He is just a picky baby I guess because at 4months we also went through screaming when he went to bed until we figured out that he HATES cotton sheets. So after a month of trying everything we finally bought some knit cotton sheets and now he loves his bed. I did learn that sometimes you just have to listen REALLY close to what your LO is telling you.And its not always easy to figure out,lol.

Good Luck 1stimer I hope you get better days in the car!

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Re: 5 week old HATES carseat/ride
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2011, 17:15:34 pm »
Dd was exactly like that and unfortunately is still like that now :) she just hates the car!! For the first few months I rarely went anywhere cause it was just so stressful in the car even if dh was driving and I was in the back. We must have pulled over countless times to take her out of her seat to soothe her! Even the paci didn't work!
Sorry I have no suggestions, other than just to say I know what you are going through and I completely sympathize xx

Offline kim&savannah

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Re: 5 week old HATES carseat/ride
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 15:40:59 pm »
I can empathize as well--my first screamed in the carseat ALL THE TIME.  She did get a little better as she got older, but really, it wasn't until we turned her facing forward that she finally stopped fussing in the car for the most part.  We lived in a walking friendly community and I walked to as much stuff as I could so I could avoid driving. 

Now, with #3, he doesn't like the car seat, and doesn't really fall asleep in the car (at least not in 10-20 min which is the most he's usually in there at this point), but he doesn't get himself as worked up as DD did and sometimes will make it for 10 minutes or so.  But once we get where we're going, within a minute or two, he is fussing to get out.  I've learned to always bring some type of carrier for him and just plan on having to carry him in the stores.  Its a pain because it means I have to get him in and out of the seat, even if its just for a 15 minute errand, but he doesn't cry while I'm shopping anymore, and I have my hands free.  Not sure if that would help.

Savannah,  6/04
Abraham,   11/06
Henry, 5/8/11