Thanks so much for checking in, Shiv. I am really at a loss right now. It seems like the only way to move forward is to accept that he will have multi hour NWs involving escalating crying and hysterics. Or, accept that I will have to get up hourly to get him back to sleep (that happened last night from 10pm onwards). He's teething now too, which has me second guessing myself.
He sometimes manages the extra A time okay when he misses a nap. He has missed out on so much sleep in the last couple of weeks, though, that I expect it will take a long time to get back from this OT state. As long as he is distracted//entertained he's okay, but I think his teeth are really bugging him right now. The other problem is that for the last couple of days he has crashed on the boob when i nurse him in spite of my efforts to keep him awake.
I posted also on the props board to see if there is another way i can handle the nws while trying to go forward with pd and patting in the crib for falling asleep.
Ugh, we are really in a mess.