Hello Ladies,
Please help me! All outta ideas and getting desperate!
Harry turned 2 in April. I love him to bits but his bed time antics are driving us crazy! I feel like I'm walking on eggshells for the whole evening - it's like trying to negotiate with a terrorist! Let me give you some info:
We have a 6yr old girl and 2 yr old boy. After "muck" (milk
and a bit of a tv time both kids go up for bath together (7pm). Sometimes he doesn't want to get out of the bath, so I had to make it a bit fun by wrapping him up in his towel and pretending he's my present. We do this a few times in the bathroom and then a few times in the bedroom. We then go into negotiation over getting the nappy on. If we get through this without tantrum we move onto PJ's. Once that marathon is over we get the baby gro on, give night-night kisses and cuddles to big sister and departing parent, read 4 books (same books every night, same order), then have a cuddle whilst listening to his music, then eventually get into bed. It takes at least 30 mins after bathtime. Sometimes Daddy has more luck than I do. Sometimes we do a tag team. And other times (recently I have been away with work) so Daddy gets to do the whole thing on his own. Oh, and sometimes I get forcably ejected ("Night-night Mummy, Daddy [sit]down"
Tonight was a good night, we managed the whole palaver without a single meltdown. There was some roling around the floor. Between getting the gro bag on and books. Then after the second book he was fixated on the back cover so I carried on to the next book and read. Eventually he put the book down and we read the third book together. The after he lay down in bed (voluntarily
a first for me in about 3 months!) he kissed me good night then moaned and groaned for 10 mins after I left until Daddy came in (then went out with 2 pats).
He is VERY routine fixated.
On a bad night he wont get out of the bath, rips his nappy off when you put it on, wont put PJ's or baby gro on, and then the whole thing is in meltdown. There doesn't seem to be any particular trigger to this. These nights it can take up to an hour to get him down. And if we try to change or skip any part of the whole sorry routine (e.g. going up to bath before DD, only 3 books, etc.) it just takes twice as long. Quite often he ends up crying it out because we have another child who also likes a story or two at night. And on more than one occasion I have had to physically restrain him to get nappy, PJ's and babygro on whilst he crys and wails. My husband has more patience than I do. It makes me very frustrated.
The rest of the night he sleeps ok (pretty much). He has done some heavy duty bed wetting recently. Wakes anytime between 6:30 and 7:30.
During the daytime he won't nap for me at home anymore. But as he's in Nursery 5 days a week where he sleeps fine so it's just the weekends we have to worry about. Sometimes at the weekend we skip the nap due to circumstances (e.g. Hubby's birthday BBQ last weekend). If I can, I try to go out for a walk or drive at the appropriate hour so that he has at least 45 mins. At nursery I have asked them to wake him at 1hr 15m because I found if he slept really long then he wouldn't go down well. Now though it's pretty much every night we have some sort of bed time meltdown. He did drop his morning nap really young though too (about 1 yr).
Other than that he is a bright, active, healthy toddler. He eats well. Is very sociable. Loves cuddles (and especially his sister). Has the normal 2 year old tantrums (lots of wailing and moaning but generally all over in 20 mins)
I can't think of what else might be of relevance so let me know if any questions.
How do I stop letting my toddler dictate the whole sorry routine?
How do I make it less stressful?
How do I reduce it to a sensible length?
Oh yes, and he's still in a cot - so should I try a bed?
We are going on holiday with the extended family in a weeks time (8 adults, 6 kids) and I am really worried that the whole night time drama's are going to make it even more stressful for me. Please give me back some control! (and self-esteem).