DD is 6 1/2 months old and has been waking at around 5 am for the last 8-9 weeks. I thought it was related to being night weaned but she is hit and miss with taking a bottle at that time so I don't think it is hunger... It started before the weather got nice and her room is blacked out with a loud ticking clock that she has had since 3 months for white noise. Generally a good napper, unless the OT cycle gets her from the EW. She works best with set nap times each day and has longer than average A times.
Typical day:
5am - wakes (have tried feeding/have tried postponing with minimal effect - sometimes eats less if we postpone, like she is past hunger yet doesn't fuss if not fed... weird!)
E: 530am (bottle)
E: solids at 745am
A: until 815/830
S: 815-10am
A: 10 - 1130am
E: 1130 (bottle), then I eat and then give her solids at 12noon
A: 1215 - 1pm
S: 1pm - 3pm (sometimes 330, but I will wake her at 330 if still sleeping)
A: 3 - 345/4pm
E: 345/4 (bottle)
A: until bathtime
Bath is at 630, bottle at 645, into crib ~7pm and sleeping on her own within minutes. Rarely if ever wakes during the night, and then we are back to the EW time of 5am!
Could this just be a habitual NW that I am mistaking for an EW? It is shortly after the time she was waking for a night feed right before I weaned her at 4 1/2 months. She has never taken a DF so we have never bothered with it.
Suggestions? This momma would love just a half an hour more each morning... 6am would be divine!