Author Topic: what tasks do (or did) your 2.5 year olds do for themselves/around the house?  (Read 2544 times)

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Offline C&B&E

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Hi all

With a new baby on the way I've started thinking about whether there are any things that DS might be able to do for himself that I just haven't thought to try!  Things like this morning he helped himself to the cereal box and started looking around for a bowl - but this is only because we are staying at my parents and their cupboards are low enough for him to reach - i wouldn't have thought about it before  ::)

What tasks does your lo do for themselves, and how have you made this possible for them?

Thank you x

Claire x

Offline Roseii

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As much as I encourage DD1 to do things she isn't all that willing ::) ie please put those toys in that box- "no you do it mum" ::)
She gets the squash out, I pour it then she does the water..Hmmm, I'm struggling to think of much else! The problem is, anything she can do she does soooo slowly and stops 10 times because she's distracted so I end up getting frustrated and doing it myself :P
Oh she is good at trying to get dressed :) And gets in her highchair herself...
Interested to see what others say xxx
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Offline C&B&E

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Yes, I have an unwilling tidy-upper too  ::)

Maybe it'd be helpful if I put down the things that he currently does...

Has just started getting into the pushchair by himself, and clambering up into his carseat
Can help get himself undressed, but not dressed at all - only shoes
Puts shoes away, and his clothes in his drawers sometimes, goes to find his shoes etc
Will do fetching and carrying jobs for me - but nothing consistent
He'll tidy his toys away into the right trays - again, not consistently

He struggles with physical stuff like getting dressed, but I realised today he is more than capable of sorting out his own cereal if I was to lay the things out in advance, so it's stuff like this I think I should work on  :-\

Claire x

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Ethan "sets" the table which means he puts all the cutlery aroundthe table. He takes his plate to the dishwasher after eating. Helps empty the dishwasher. He makes his bed and takes his clothes off and puts them into the laundry. I don't know. Hangs his jacket up and takes his shoes off and puts them in the closet. He will get me stuff if I need him to and helps me with everything. He always wants to try doing everything himself so we let him try and that's basically how we find out that he actually can do more then we thought!

Offline Tweakster

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F puts his own dishes in the sink (thank goodness for Corelle), he tries to hang his own coat, he puts his shoes away, he *sometimes* tidies his own toys.  But honestly, he's a train wreck with everything, he doesn't have the skills or dexterity for so many things and if you encourage him or let him attempt in his own he always dissolves in a heap on the floor.  He's very much 'my do it' or 'Finley do it' but almost 9 out of 10 times he actually can't manage it. Thd good news is that when he does manage something he gets totally excited 'I did it!'.  And we do try to get him doing as much for himself as he can but we also try to keep drama to a minimum.  He just doesn't have ANY patience and believe me, I've seen kids his age manage their patience a lot better so it's more temperament I think.

His latest thing is climbing in and out of the car seat and God help you if you touch him to assist!
The tweaking never stops!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Okay, were a little older than 2.5, but developmentally probably younger than the things Spencer will do for herself are: picking out her own clothes (working on the dressing part!), cleaning up toys, climbing in and out of the stroller, high chair & carseat, putting clothes in the laundry basket. Hmmm, that's about it, she's not very good at 2 part instructions so I can't really have her go get something from another room.


Offline Roseii

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Oh the carseat, I am not allowed near her as she climbs in, I have to shut the car door and watch whilst she fannies around and finally climbs in after a lot of emcouragment (shouting) It's really fun when I'm late for work!!
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Offline Roseii

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Ps I think the things that you mums consider independence I consider spirited stubbornness!!
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race

Offline nwmm

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Speaking of getting a bowl etc. My sister devoted a cabinet or part of a cabinet to plates, bowls, cups, utensils that were child friendly.  If younwant your child to have access to them, comsider the same. It can make your life easier. 

Mine was able to dress herself.  Not sure if that was a little advanced

Put shoes on and and fasten (with Velcro). Keep them where Los can reach

Run around the house to get things for me.

I attached some low hooks in the coat closet.  I hang weather appropriate coats on them.  Los can grab them and hang up. 

I kept out a small basket with clothes and extra socks.  When we needed to change clothes an outfit or two was always handy.

Kept milk in an insulated sippy.  Had some approved snacks all ready.  Los could serve herself then.
In was on bed rest.  So, i would go thru my entire day and figure out how I could modify things so my lo could help. 

Offline squeakersmum

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Ben climbs in and out of car seat, booster etc... He now helps me with lots of Abi's stuff (especially when I forget things - like a nappy when I'm changing her ::)) He likes to help me burp her too!

Our cupboards are all too high for him to reach and he can't/won't get himself dressed - although he Will take his trousers/pants/socks off and we're working on the t-shirt. He gets his own potty although I'm not keen on him trying to empty it! Lol!

I actually feel like he should be doing far more than he is.

Offline twogirlsmommy

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DD helps me empty the dishewasher and put all of her dishes/cups away and the tupperware (both in drawers she can reach and open)  She can climb in and out of car seat, stroller and booster.  She will occasionally help me clean up.  Will take a wet diaper and put in the trash but not a poopy one (go figure)  When asked she can put her shoes in the basket we have by the door but she must be asked lol.  She can put her shoes on but its usually after she has stripped herself of all other clothes. :)

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Ps I think the things that you mums consider independence I consider spirited stubbornness!!

lol Charli...for Masyn that was exactly what it was! She would be dragging chairs and scaling the kitchen counters at that age looking for where I hid the treats!