Hi there - you all have been so helpful in the past. I thought we were doing so well over the last 9 mos or more that we were done! Haha! DS is 26 mos old next week and we have run into a rash of problems with BT and NW. I am blaming a sickness from a few weeks ago, but we're long past that now. DS has been in his big boy bed for 2 mos and I have a DD coming in a few weeks, so I need some sleep! Before sick, our routine was wake at 7am, nap at 12:30 for 1.5-2 hours and bed by 8:30. When he was sick, he slept for a 3 hour nap and nearly 11 hours at night. Now he's back on track with a 2 hour nap, which I have tried moving later in the day and cutting back to 1.5 hours (never a problem getting him to nap like clockwork). Neither of which are working for BT. We have always had him asleep by 8:30 until 6:30 or 7. Our BT routine is bath, books, lights out, music on, kiss night night and he used to be out. Now he is jack-in-the-box about 15x a night until it's 9:15 or later (I've also tried an 8pm bedtime). He's up at 4am on the dot and we go through the same thing. I return him to bed with a hug and kiss every 5-10 mins for an hour or more. If he's not up at 4am, he's up for the day by 5. He has every single excuse in the book, needing hugs or kisses, going potty, wanting milk and crackers...you name it! I'm tempted to put a gate at his door, but I hate the thought. My DH was laying down with him for awhile at night until he was drowsy and then also laying down with him at 4am to get him back to sleep until 7 or so. But I nixed that a few nights ago because we nixed that months ago when getting him to nap alone in big boy bed. I don't think it does anyone any good - especially when DH travels out of town. Does anyone have any hints? He has all of his teeth in and nothing out of ordinary has happened. Thanks!