Oh geez! We are back to square 1. The weekend successful naps were short lived. I got myself into a huge mess today.
I let him sleep till 7:20 this morning to make up for last nights dramas.
Wake 7:20
Nap 9:40-10:15
(he was whining a bit so I put him down thinking he would be tired from cot party)
Nap 12:20-12:50
(oh no! He woke up and refused to resettle. I don't know if 2nd A time was too much or too little? But he was too playful once again can't tell if it was ot hyperness.)
Nap 3-3:40 ( I tried since 2:45 but he was fidgeting about. Finally rocked him and got a grand 40 min nap
I did bt at 6 and he went down without a peep by 6:10.
Yikes! What a day. Hope I don't pay for it tonight. Plus tomorrow is preschool day so the earliest I can get him down for pm nap is 12:30 regardless of the am nap length. What should I aim for the am nap A time? I am thinking 2.5hr as before unless our night is atrocious?
Today's shorter am A times what messed it up today do you think?