Author Topic: how much to feed and how often  (Read 1018 times)

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how much to feed and how often
« on: June 01, 2011, 01:29:32 am »
My LO is five and half months old. i finally switched him to 4 hour EASY a month ago and introduced rice cereal.

I am not sure at Six months what to do and how much to feed him. Here is his EASY

E  7 am
A till 9 am
S 9 to 10

E 11 am
   SOLIDS (1 tsp rice cereal and 1tsp Breast Milk)
A from 11:30 to 1 pm
S 1 to 3 pm

E 3 pm
  SOLIDS at 5 pm (same as above)
A from 3:30 to 6:45 pm

6:45 bath
Eat 7:20
then off to bed

Sleeps theough the night. My son is strictly breast fed and refuses formula and the bottle. my milk is drying up and i have no idea what to do.
So i have 3 main questions.

1. how much milk to feed  and or how many times shall i breast feed as of 6 months?
2. when and how much solids regardless of what kid of solids?
3. does EASY change from 4 hours to something else?

I tried to find the answers in the BW book but i couldn't really get it.

thanks all.

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Re: how much to feed and how often
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 01:47:32 am »
Here are some really great weaning guidelines from Secrets of the Baby Whisperer:

Also here is a link outlining how much milk your LO should be getting once on solids:

At 6mos you want your LO to be having at least 4 BFs in a 24hr period.  Many BF babies are still having 1 or 2 at night as well, though obviously not if sttn.  Basically you want your LO to be getting ideally 24+oz of milk.  If you are BFing obviously you aren't measuring ounces, but 4+ BFs is usually enough.  Milk used in cereal also counts towards milk intake.

The easiest way to think about it is that milk is the E part of EASY, whle solids are part of the A time.

The 4hr EASY will evolve as your LO grows and his A times increase.  From this point on it can vary very much from baby to baby.  I always found it easiest to try and keep milk feeds every 4hrs and work around that in terms of naps and solids. 

You can see more examples of EASY routines that include solids here:

HTH :)
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