He was eating an 8oz bottle during these times (7am, 10, 1, 4, 7, 9pm), 6 bottles per day = 40-50oz per day.
Pediatrician wanted him down to 4 bottles (8oz)...tried (7,12,5 & 8pm), this seemed too much at first since he wasn't eating more then 2Tbsp 2x day = 32 oz
Dietitian suggested 5 bottles (6oz) and since he was eating toast to stop purees and more finger foods so his day is looking more like this:
6am (wake) 6oz bottle
8am toast (usually half slice)
10am 6oz bottle
12am fruit/veggies and cheerios ...he wont eat more then a few bites, refuses anything sticky/mushy thus why the cheerios (even tried adding bread crumbs etc)
1pm 6oz bottle
4pm supper/ pasta & chicken (he will eat more of this but gets frustrated fast & refuses spoon totally & will not let you put food in his mouth)
5/5:30 6oz bottle
6pm snack of puffs or cheerios
7pm 6oz bottle
I find that I need to give him a bottle about 3am, if not he will wake every 30mins-1hr until 5:30 when he gets up for the day. If he has a bottle he will sleep until 6am sometimes.
Hate feeding him just cheerios/puffs or toast but he refuses everything, I keep trying new things, string beans, banana...even those little mesh feeders