I do everything at night! DD is 3yrs, DS is 7 months and I will be returning to work in September. DH and I worked together to get ready in the morning when we just had my spirited DD - I would shower while he fed her brekkie, then he would get ready while I got her dressed. But with two - both somewhat spirited - my plan is to start a routine in August that would see us all out the door at 7:30 (I work at nine). So, shower and get clothes ready the night before, have the kids' clothes laid out. I have makeup down to a 5 minute routine. In theory, I will get up, make coffee, do hair/makeup and then get the kids up. I can throw on my already-prepared clothes once the kids are ready and waiting. I think the whole getting them out the door routine should take about an hour or so, maybe a bit more....
I would definitely get him used to the playpen. Maybe you could do what some nursing moms do when LO#2 comes along, which is have a sack of 'special' toys that your child only gets to play with when Mommy is nursing, only in this case it would maybe give you a bit of 'me' time? Something 'forbidden' works too, like the TV remote - they tend to stay interested longer.
Good luck, I know the first few weeks back are hard. It is awful to be at work when you are still only thinking about your LO, and used to the rhythm of their days.