Author Topic: How do you get anything done around the house??  (Read 3678 times)

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How do you get anything done around the house??
« on: June 01, 2011, 10:52:30 am »
My DS is almost 10mo and it seems like he isn't happy unless I am sitting in the room with him.  He will play along but is either into something he shouldn't or wants my attention.  How do you get anything done around the house?  He is crawling/standing now & not very interested in his walker (too much work to get somewhere quick)...he doesn't like the exersaucer anymore and not content in his playpen.

I'll be returning to work soon and he wakes at will I ever get ready for work?  (it use to take me 1.5hrs to get ready before my son was will I ever entertain him that long now??)

What are some good 'independent' toys/games/activities you have for you 10mo's?

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2011, 00:34:27 am »
Bumping this for you

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 19:51:00 pm »
hate to say it, but you have to get your routine down to a couple of 5 or 10 min slots!!!

in the time it takes me to clean my teeth DS2 is either on the dining room table or pulling a cupboard apart.  both of mine have had showers with me from 1yo if noone else is in the house and they are not in bed- the devastation they could cause in 10 mins is unthinkable. i dont have a single room in my house which is SAFE as all of them have windowsills/cupboards or a table and that is enough!  thinking back to DS1 i could trust him to watch a dvd alone for 15 mins at about 2yo, i seriously doubt thats going to happen with DS2.

i leave the room to the screams of 'Mom! Jakobs on the table again and hes throwing x...'

id recommend getting him used to the playpen..i didnt and regret it - although has ANYONE had success with spirited kids and playpens? i think jake would just scream and try to scale the sides

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2011, 19:56:20 pm »
At that age with a spirited DD I didn't get a lot done! 

I was able to stick her in her cot while i got dressed or in her booster chair with toys (snack when a bit older) while I was in the shower. 

I'll be returning to work soon and he wakes at will I ever get ready for work?  (it use to take me 1.5hrs to get ready before my son was will I ever entertain him that long now??)
I hate to break it to you but I think you may need to work on getting ready much quicker!  I would have a few practice mornings before you actually start back to work and try and be ready for time you would need to be leaving as that will help you see how long you will actually need and how DS will react. 

My DD was always a great independent player but really at 10 months you wouldn't expect them to beable to entertain themselves for more than 5/10 minutes at a time. 


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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2011, 20:05:12 pm »
ah yes - food forgot that one! but at 10m you cant really have them out of your sight whilst eating

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2011, 20:06:22 pm »
but at 10m you cant really have them out of your sight whilst eating
Absolutely!  But such a good time saver when they are older!!

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2011, 20:37:23 pm »
how do people shower with lo's?  I am curious...dont you drop them, he can't walk yet so he can't stand by himself..

Guess I am going to need to learn to do a nice updo' LOL

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2011, 20:42:02 pm »
Guess I am going to need to learn to do a nice updo' LOL

At that age I didnt shower with DD1,  only once she could stand safely i did that. 

For showering I would use the cot because even if he protests you know he's safe.  M was always content for about 10 minutes with a stack of toys.  DD2 sits in her chair in the bathroom now and is happy enough to play with a toy and I sing while I shower.  She is 8 months.  I often say to DH that he doesn't know how lucky he is to get to shower, get dressed and use the loo on his own.  Those luxuries seem to disappear the second you have a baby! 

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2011, 20:44:41 pm »
I keep telling DH that he has no idea how Mommy's lives more hot coffee's LOL no more LONG hot showers (lucky if the legs get shaved), sometimes there needs to be a choice with either shower or eat...sometimes one doesn't happen LOL

But wouldn't change it for a minute ;)

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2011, 21:07:29 pm »
I do everything at night! DD is 3yrs, DS is 7 months and I will be returning to work in September. DH and I worked together to get ready in the morning when we just had my spirited DD - I would shower while he fed her brekkie, then he would get ready while I got her dressed. But with two - both somewhat spirited - my plan is to start a routine in August that would see us all out the door at 7:30 (I work at nine). So, shower and get clothes ready the night before, have the kids' clothes laid out. I have makeup down to a 5 minute routine. In theory, I will get up, make coffee, do hair/makeup and then get the kids up. I can throw on my already-prepared clothes once the kids are ready and waiting. I think the whole getting them out the door routine should take about an hour or so, maybe a bit more....

I would definitely get him used to the playpen. Maybe you could do what some nursing moms do when LO#2 comes along, which is have a sack of 'special' toys that your child only gets to play with when Mommy is nursing, only in this case it would maybe give you a bit of 'me' time? Something 'forbidden' works too, like the TV remote - they tend to stay interested longer.

Good luck, I know the first few weeks back are hard. It is awful to be at work when you are still only thinking about your LO, and used to the rhythm of their days.

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2011, 19:49:47 pm »
Lisa - good ideas.  yes i organise clothes and lay them out etc

mine sit in the bottom of the bath while i shower (guess it wouldnt work in a cubicle!) and play with their toys. you have to keep it quick tho or they get cold with the spray. mine dont seem to mind that tho, bit like being at the pool

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2011, 21:26:32 pm »
I am going to try that with DS when he is bit older! He loves water. DD is very sensitive and hates the feeling of water on her face. I think I probably won't get her to shower until she is 12 or so, but I remember being the same way.

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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2011, 10:43:42 am »
I often say to DH that he doesn't know how lucky he is to get to shower, get dressed and use the loo on his own.  Those luxuries seem to disappear the second you have a baby!
so true! Now that DD is crawling I normally call her and run to the bathroom when I need, so by the time she arrives there I (hopefully) have finished my business haha If she arrives to early she just likes to stand holding on the bath  as she's practicing pulling herself up now...

I normally rotate her toys and my own activities around the house. So I'm never too much time in the same place, except when I'm cooking of course. But she has a nice set of toys in the kitchen. If she starts getting too clingy/bored I sit with her for a while (while the food is cooking) and then leave her again.

But I would do some practicing days so you could see how long does it take for you and what strategies you'd have to do or what you'd have to change. I normally shower when she's asleep (nap or night), but I'm not a working mom, so I don't have a morning routine to give many advices...

Playpen sounds like an option. Maybe combining the "special toys" with the playpen, like having some nice toys he only gets to play with when he's in the playpen.

Anyway, let us know how it goes. We all learn from that!
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Re: How do you get anything done around the house??
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2011, 02:35:10 am »
DS is 10.5 months and I find that when I really need to occupy him plastic cups and tupperware containers work the best and I only bring them out when I need to get something done so they keep his attention longer.