Author Topic: help- trying to start EASY but DS is 'snacking' on his bottles  (Read 1105 times)

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Offline lawatt

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Hi, i am gradually getting me head round the EASY method and really keen to give it a go, however im finding really difficult due to the way my DS feeds.

He is 7 weeks old and weighs 11lb 5. he very rarely takes a full bottle, only a couple of oz at a time then usually wants feeding again shorlty after, some times he is very fussy when feeding e.g. will move his head around when feeding, and sometimes let out a high pitched scream, i will take the bottle away but he cry for it again, but sometime he feeds very nicely (usually the times he has managed to go longer in between feeds)

im really struggling to start any form of routine until ive adressed the feeding problems.

how to i get him to take a full bottle every 3 hours???

Offline Lolly

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Re: help- trying to start EASY but DS is 'snacking' on his bottles
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 09:51:02 am »
Welcome to the boards! Let's see if we can help a bit!

I know you are just starting EASY, but is he sleeping in the day at the moment? Sometimes when they get overtired they feed poorly and then want more quite soon. Hunger cues can often be confused with tired cues so you end up in a snacking situation by feeding too soon, then they don't take much because they aren't really hungry and it goes on. Is he formula fed or breastmilk in a bottle? How are the nights?

What flow teat are you using? You can try the next size up, that often helps if you are still on a slow flow. Is he showing any signs of reflux that can be another reason for small frequent feeds and poor feeding behaviour.

If you don't suspect reflux then I would start in the morning with the first feed and try to get the first EASY cycle in place and see how you go from there. When he wakes, feed him and hopefully if it's been at least 3 hours since the last feed he should take a good feed. Then you need to have him back to sleep by around 1 hour after wake up time and let him sleep until the next feed is due. If he wakes a bit earlier then try and distract him to get as close to 3 hours after the first feed as possible (as long as he had a decent bottle for his first feed). You will need to distract him or use a pacifier to get him to stretch feeds a bit, if he is very distressed then you will need to feed him and it may take a few days to get to 3 hour feeds by pushing them 15 mins or so at a time. How long is he going between feeds now?

What do you think?


Offline emgerson

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Re: help- trying to start EASY but DS is 'snacking' on his bottles
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2011, 04:15:21 am »
Hi Laura, I just wanted to thank you for the reply, I just posted a similar question and your answer is very helpful - thanks!