DD2 is almost 20 months and has been EW (
realllly EW) for many months now. I have posted before and tried various tweaks and things but nothing has helped so far so I am just coping with it/living with it.
Now she is slightly older and more verbal I have decided to try with a gro clock and see whether it makes any difference.
A loose plan of her day goes like this-
A- 4-5am (0345 this morning

nap- often around 10am for anywhere from 1.5-3h. Sometimes she goes earlier or later depending how grouchy she is. She often asks to go.
BT- often around 6.30pm, sometimes as early as 5pm if a bad nap/really EW but not easy to physically achieve this time normally. Sometimes later if she has had a longish lie- 5am or even 5.30am woo hoo- and a lunch time nap.
We have tried later nights, later naps etc. Really early nights mean she gets more night sleep over all and might go slightly later for her nap but the normal result is not ready for bed until later and then up at 4am the following morning.
So, I have bought a Gro clock this morning in Tesco since they were cheap. What time should I set it for in the morning? I was thinking fairly early to get her into the swing of it and then moving it back.
Our other issue is that although they are in separate rooms and it is an old house if we leave DD2 to whinge and whine she will wake up DD1 who has her own lot of sleep issues (she is 3 and still parented to sleep

) When DD1 is woken at that time in the morning she struggles to get back to sleep then we are all grumpy for the day.
DD2 fortunately is fab at going to sleep at night/naps- just lay her down and leave her to it. If she isn't suffering with teeth etc she mostly sttn fine.
Sorry, this has turned into a life story. Given that she wakes anytime from 4am onwards, we are not expecting a miracle cure etc, what time should I set the light to come on at?
Thanks, Lisa