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Offline Hedgehog17

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Making himself sick
« on: June 07, 2011, 09:54:55 am »

DS is almost 9mo and I've been trying to introduce him to a variety of solids - he gets purees and finger foods.

Unfortunately he isn't keen on meat or grains and actually makes himself vomit if spoon fed them! My Mum says it's ok if he just wants to eat fruit & veg and that I shouldn't worry  :-\ He still gets plenty of milk, over 20 oz per day.

Yesterday he got well cooked quinoa at lunchtime (which I thought was just about the most bland and easy to digest grain) and after 2 spoonfuls he vomited it all back up  :(

He never does this with fruit & veg!

I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not  ???

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Re: Making himself sick
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 17:17:39 pm »
Maybe it is a texture issue?

Meat and grains are harder to digest, so don't feel bad if you wait a little longer.  In fact I have read some sources that actually wait until closer to a year to introduce them, so I don't think he'll be missing out if you take a step back.

The other suggestion is to try letting him feed himself small pieces of meat or even quinoa or rice.  It's messy, but being able to touch and play with it might help him learn how to handle it.

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Offline Hedgehog17

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Re: Making himself sick
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 20:35:50 pm »
Thanks Martina!

Don't think it's a texture issue, as the meat he's had has been in the stage 2 purees which are still very pureed! I also tried him on some salmon blended really smooth with cucumber and he wasn't keen at all  :(

My Mum reckons he's just avoiding the harder to digest stuff as he senses he can't digest it...

I'm happy to give him small portions of meat and grains but he prefers making patterns on the table with them to actually putting any in his mouth  ::) I will keep on trying every 2 weeks or so and try not to be concerned!

At least he isn't crawling yet so he's not really burning up loads of calories  ;D Unfortunately he can't have dairy as he's MPI and I'm not risking several other allergens yet either, so I don't know how I'm going to feed him if he'll only take HAF, fruit & veg  ???

I keep reading about how other babies this age (and even younger!) are munching sandwiches  :o and wondering why mine is nowhere near this  :(

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Re: Making himself sick
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2011, 02:39:25 am »
My Mum reckons he's just avoiding the harder to digest stuff as he senses he can't digest it...
Maybe!  Babies are strangly intuitive and often avoid what they know they can't digest!
I'm happy to give him small portions of meat and grains but he prefers making patterns on the table with them to actually putting any in his mouth   I will keep on trying every 2 weeks or so and try not to be concerned!
It's not important that he eats it, more so that he is exposed to it.
I keep reading about how other babies this age (and even younger!) are munching sandwiches   and wondering why mine is nowhere near this
Not mine!  They aren't all little gobblers, some definitely take more time to really enjoy eating.  I'm currently struggling with two toddlers who won't eat anything, and DS2 wouldn't eat a lot at that age or now!  :P

Mama to
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Offline Hedgehog17

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Re: Making himself sick
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2011, 09:32:41 am »
Thanks Martina!

It's good to know I'm not alone  :)

Sorry you're having similar problems with your two  :(
