Yay! So glad to hear about sttn
I admire your persistence with this and trying everything to help your little one, and not giving up
and I know how this can bring you to your knees, my DH and I were at eachothers throats not long ago due to Kais sleep as we were just so darn tired and cuold not function in any normal way. We were in pure survival mode.
I just read back about 7 pages. What I hear is this. He is consistently NW'ing - not every night, but enough times a week and for a few weeks to be able to rule out sickness, NAET reaction, teeth. Is that right? That's what I think. I think that he has a food sensitivity, I really do.
Now feel absolutely free to discount things I have said and also correct me, as I am basing this on what little I know if him just from what I have read, and I know words can distort things a bit
It just seems so similar to Kai's story. Kai had 6 weeks of Nw'ing every 2nd or 3rd night coupled with EW/s of 5am or so at about the age of 12-14 months. Because it went on for so long it was kind of a blessing in disguise because we were able to say that no, we have ruled out any prop issues, no, you can't be teething for that long. No, sicknesses are finished. We finally cracked it when we eliminated troublesome foods. He was always a bad sleeper, but we got to place where he was sleep trained so many times that we knew he could do it if he wanted but he continued to wake at night and EW.
This is based on the assumption that you can rule out 2 year molars, the reason I am ruling out the molars is that he seems rather happy during the day?
These are my other reasons that think he has a food sensivity. He has eczema. We know skin is an indication of the gut health. This is the first major indicator to me. I know eczema can be related to environmental factors, but we are building a case here. I heard the other day eczema is linked to egg intolerances - this was from a paeds personal experience just heard this a few weeks ago.
Anyway, these are my other reasons: - You said he has always been alert as a baby and finds it hard to get to sleep taking a long time, this is a food intolerance symptopm. I know he is not ADHD, but you have said he can be quite restless and spirited, this links to the hyperactivity and irritability trait which can be a food intolerance symptom. Bascially the foods upset their nervous ssytem and they are a frayed, alert, more highly strung version of their true selves. When you take out the foods they come down a notch and calm down a bit and sleep gets alot better.
You said he finds it hard to wind down (I am asssuming that is a norm as opposed to OT?). Babies and children don't have to have ADHD or completely hyper for a food sensitivity symptom. Kai isn't hyper as such but if he is having troubles with food he is certainly restless in the day a little wired and distractable and grouchy. I can see the difference. He is also more demanding, and cranky as if he is OT, but it goes on and on for weeks.. and is linked to the NWing. You could say of course he would be like that - he NW's. Well that could be true too.
But we have evidence because by taking the foods out, the NW's disappeared.
And lastly your little one has the regular Nw'ings. Big clue there. Again, if the NW's are food intolerance related, the nervous system is set off, wired, frayed. The detoxifcation chains involved in digesting food don't work properly, the hormonal chain reactions that need to take place dont operate as well so you get broken low quality sleep.
If hormones and detoxifcation are off, normal food chemicals build up to toxic levels thus irritating and causing food intolerance reactions.
Anyway, this is my rant, and you know I really into this stuff at the moment and coming from a very different angle, but some food for thought!
I can provide links to websites discussing food intolerances, food sensitivities, symptoms and diagnosis for further info.....
take care and hope the sttn's continue so you can all get some rest xxxxx