See, DS didn’t/ doesn’t have any physical issues (reflux, mucous poops, bad tummy pains or any other kind of sickness), apart from the eczema which started a few months ago and is getting much better( 85% better with the NAET treatment). The way to go about it will be to complain about the sleep issues then. I have been to different GPs at my practice (they have quite a few in there) and all they do with the eczema is give different creams. One of the doc’s kids even has eczema themselves and all she does is changing the creams? So conventional professionals, at least in the UK, don’t think eczema is food related
DS seemed to be fine for dairy. I breastfed him for only 4 months. As true to his spiritedness one day he decided he didn’t want my milk anymore. He refused for hours then we had to give him a bottle and he took the bottle offered. 2 days later, after I had been suffering from mastitis and in so much pain, he decided he wanted the breast again. By then I was like, No way! I will not give you the breast for you to refuse and I end up with mastitis again. LOL So that was that and we started to use the Hipp Organic formula instead. So I can’t really make any obvious connections with his food though?
Plus his diet doesn’t change that much as he is a picky eater and he seems to have good nights and bad nights on the same kind of food?
But of course I would not tell the GP that otherwise they will rule out the food.
TBH I am really blunt with our GPs and did just say i wanted a referral to the dietician
Yep! That is what we have learned! I’m not very confrontational. I find it hard to put my foot down with these GPs but when we need it done DH comes with me to the appointments. He has a way of talking to them that in the end they just agree with him and even apologise. Lol I love watching DH in action Lol So if we are going to do that I’m def going to take DH with me
My current plan, before all this discussion about food allergies start was to 1) To finish NAET treatment. This Friday we are going to test another few things and if DS is strong for them I will give him a break on the treatments. I def think his body needs a break now. Plus we are completely broke ATM .it was not cheap to have all these treatments. 2) To wait for him to go through his GS, 3) Go to the GP if the NWs continue after the treatments and the GS. I would not go to the GP, at first, saying that I wanted a referral for the dietician. I was planning to say " this is what is happening (xyz) I have tried(abcd….xyz….) everything and nothing worked so what would *you* suggest? " I want him to give me suggestions first instead of me giving him the answer. I'm tired of telling these GPs what to do. They must come up with something. I was planning to book with a really lovely doctor there. He is very good and helpful. But unfortunately I don't get to see him very often as he is a part-timer and it takes ages to be able to see him. But for something like this I can book in advance .Do you guys think this is a good plan?
Please also bear in mind that DS has already been treated through NAET for Melatonin, Serotonin, Dopamine, Cortisol , Cortisone and Acetylcholine Chloride. These are all hormones and neurotransmitters associated with sleep issues and DS was weak to all of them, hence the need to treat them. So DS seems to be a bit messed up on the sleep front regardless of the food intolerances. What Koe and Eloise think about these NAET treatments?