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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #345 on: September 06, 2011, 12:48:26 pm »
Grants, do you have an inkling as to what might be causing the eczema?  Did he get treated on wet heat as I remember that it got worse when he player with wet sand but not dry sand.  What did your practitioner say about why the eczema is still there?

Woops posting the same time as you!  You didn't prepare your thesis during your holidays?? Hehe  sorry just teasing!!  Hugsss

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #346 on: September 06, 2011, 13:09:00 pm »
So what happens when you leave Miguel if he wakes BEFORE the sunshine?  You mentioned he's good for 30 mins, what do you do for the rest of the time?  Do you call through his door to remind him?  Or just ignore it? Also, what does he do when the sun comes on - does he call for you?
We have to leave him. Any human contact will drive him mad and he will want out straight away. He even makes himself cry real tears. So calling through the doors doesn’t work. We have tried that a few times. So for an easier life we decided to set the clock for more or less about 20 mins around his WU time. I just hate to hear the whole moan and cry for too long. But of course it doesn’t work that well sometimes when he is awake at 5am and the clock is set to 5:50am (it happened the day before yesterday when I forgot to re-set the clock as he had an early BT), In that case he will moan and cry after 25 mins or so of wait but we still leave him there until Mr sunshine come on.

I'm more a believer these days of food having adverse effects.  I don't think a trial or ED can hurt anything at this point.  It's not like you would be depriving him of anything, he can still eat well and healthily while doing a food trial.

For me it is not about the deprivation of nutrients as this can be worked at quite easily. The hardest bit for me is time, patience and the *social aspect* of things. I’m not a SAHM and not a very good and inspired cooker either :P LOL .M will be in nursery for 3 days a week ,then I will have to go through the whole 8 weeks meal plan at nursery, then watch very carefully every single event at nursery that might involve food.  What happens when M really wants something that other kids are eating at a birthday parties or event at nursery and outside nursery? Then we go to the supermarket and he can’t have one of his favourite healthy snacks that are on the shelves , then we have to educate the grandparents , which can be challenging at times etc…  You get the gist.And on top of it I will be super busy this year until June. So that’s why I’m secretly hoping it’s not food intolerances. I just can’t imagine how hard it must be for the other mothers to deal with an ED. I take my hat off to all the moms who have to do this.

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #347 on: September 06, 2011, 13:17:32 pm »
Or it could have built up more in his system?[/quote]

we did baby led weaning. We were pretty relaxed about the foods, so I didn't remember introducing anything new when he was 9 months that he wasn't already eating at 6 months.

Grants, do you have an inkling as to what might be causing the eczema?  Did he get treated on wet heat as I remember that it got worse when he player with wet sand but not dry sand.

Thanks for reminding me about this Koe! :)  I have just written it on my notebook; I have been writing all the things I want to test d

You didn't prepare your thesis during your holidays?? Hehe  sorry just teasing!!  Hugsss

I know….I’m rubbish aren’t I? I wanted to but I couldn’t be bothered  lol :P Even if I did I would still need to collect data, write the results section and the discussion after the holidays anyway, so I thought I might as well do this when I’m on full mode !

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #348 on: September 06, 2011, 14:00:26 pm »
Do you think if M had food intolerances would he be able to have 4 months of STTN every night from 5.5 to 9 months of age?

I have suspected R to have dairy intolerance for a while.  She slept really well from 3-7.5 months (well not really well but much better than 7 months +) and now her sleep is pretty rubbish.  we saw the pead dietician and he said that it absolutely be food intolerances causing the disruptions.  So even though she was exposed to dairy and sleeping ok doesn't mean the dairy isn't affecting her now and making the sleep worse.  He stressed the build up and irritation of the gut and the knock on effect.   we are back on monday so will be asking him more about it then. 

What happens when M really wants something that other kids are eating at a birthday parties or event at nursery and outside nursery? Then we go to the supermarket and he can’t have one of his favourite healthy snacks that are on the shelves , then we have to educate the grandparents , which can be challenging at times etc…
This is one thing I am sad about.  But for me if she needs to be off dairy for a while then so be it.   Now M is older so will know more what he wants but you'd have to just provide alternatives he could have and be consistent with it.  A little boy in my class was gluten and casein free and his mum sent in treats he could have at parties etc. 

YAY for STTN last night!


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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #349 on: September 06, 2011, 14:10:35 pm »
I have suspected R to have dairy intolerance for a while.  She slept really well from 3-7.5 months (well not really well but much better than 7 months +) and now her sleep is pretty rubbish.  we saw the pead dietician and he said that it absolutely be food intolerances causing the disruptions.  So even though she was exposed to dairy and sleeping ok doesn't mean the dairy isn't affecting her now and making the sleep worse.  He stressed the build up and irritation of the gut and the knock on effect.   we are back on monday so will be asking him more about it then.

Shiv, if I can remember correctly you are in the UK?  You can reply to that via PM if you prefer. If so, how on earth you managed to get a referral for a pead dietician?  :o These GPs are so unhelpful!!!! :( How your dietician could be absolutely sure about the food intolerances? Have you done an ED with R before? Was she having sickness or refluxes ? M never had sickness or reflux. I think because of that the already unhelpful GPs won't want to give a referral 

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #350 on: September 06, 2011, 14:47:23 pm »
Am indeed.  My GP was flipping useless.  I went in and showed him in writing how I started weaning and things changed when she got dairy and then how i eliminated it and symptoms decreased (but didn't disappear) and how I wanted to speak to someone about an ED and food alternatives for the dairy etc.  The only symptoms R had were mucousy nappies and really bad tummy pains after eating dairy and really bad NWs.  He was totally scathing.  Told me to just keep giving her dairy and she'd get used to it.  So i said well actually I had read that it was best to do an ED and rest the gut and he bumbled about and told me to contact my HV!!  Said she would get me to try dairy and then eliminate it and see if there was an issue.  So basically do what i'd already done!!

So I rang the HV and explained it all and she said she could refer me on to the paed dietician and the feeding team herself.   She basically said the doctor was a halfwit.  So that was at 7 months and we just got a phone consult recently and have an appt at the feeding clinic next week.   So it has taken a long time to come through given that i wanted help with weaning her.    I removed all dairy from her diet for 6-8 weeks but not from mine.  I cut back on dairy when she was very little and her symptoms got much better so I continued to cut back and only had milk in tea.  I then started butter on toast which she seemed to tolerate well.  Then some cheese.  Then milk in cereal.  But as i've increased the amount her NWs have gotten atrocious again.  Really bad.  And I know its discomfort in some form. 

And at this stage I would love some sleep so am willing to try her on an ED again and probably me too as am still BFing to see if things resolve.  We were all set to sleep train this week as DH is off work but I think she is in discomfort so there is little point. 

Could your HV refer you?   TBH I am really blunt with our GPs and did just say i wanted a referral to the dietician and he said the route here is through the HV.   Had it not been I would have been back to him to get him to do it.  Waiting lists are atrocious though. 

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #351 on: September 06, 2011, 15:54:27 pm »
See, DS didn’t/ doesn’t have any physical issues (reflux, mucous poops, bad tummy pains or any other  kind of sickness),  apart from the eczema which started a few months ago and is getting much better( 85% better with the NAET treatment). The way to go about it will be to complain about the sleep issues then. I have been to different GPs at my practice (they have quite a few in there) and all they do with the eczema is give different creams. One of the doc’s kids even has eczema themselves and all she does is changing the creams? So conventional professionals, at least in the UK, don’t think eczema is food related :(

DS seemed to be fine for dairy. I breastfed him for only 4 months. As true to his spiritedness one day he decided he didn’t want my milk anymore. He refused for hours then we had to give him a bottle and he took the bottle offered.  2 days later, after I had been suffering from mastitis and in so much pain, he decided he wanted the breast again. By then I was like, No way!  I will not give you the breast for you to refuse and I end up with mastitis again. LOL So that was that and we started to use the Hipp Organic formula instead. So I can’t really make any obvious connections with his food though???? Plus his diet doesn’t change that much as he is a picky eater and he seems to have good nights and bad nights on the same kind of food???? But of course I would not tell the GP that otherwise they will rule out the food.

TBH I am really blunt with our GPs and did just say i wanted a referral to the dietician

Yep! That is what we have learned! I’m not very confrontational. I find it hard to put my foot down with these GPs but when we need it done DH comes with me to the appointments. He has a way of talking to them that in the end they just agree with him and even apologise. Lol  I love watching DH in action Lol So if we are going to do that I’m def going to take DH with me :P

My current plan, before all this discussion about food allergies start was to 1) To finish NAET treatment. This Friday we are going to test another few things and if DS is strong for them I will give him a break on the treatments. I def think his body needs a break now. Plus we are completely broke ATM .it was not cheap to have all these treatments.  2) To wait for him to go through his GS, 3) Go to the GP if the NWs continue after the treatments and the GS. I would not go to the GP,  at first, saying that I wanted a referral for the dietician. I was planning to say " this is what is happening (xyz) I have tried(abcd….xyz….) everything and nothing worked so what would *you* suggest? " I want him to give me suggestions first instead of me giving him the answer. I'm tired of telling these GPs what to do. They must come up with something. I was planning to book with a really lovely doctor there. He is very good and helpful. But unfortunately I don't get to see him very often as he is a part-timer and it takes ages to be able to see him. But for something like this I can book in advance .Do you guys think this is a good plan?

Please also bear in mind that DS has already been treated through NAET for Melatonin, Serotonin, Dopamine, Cortisol , Cortisone and  Acetylcholine Chloride. These are all hormones and neurotransmitters associated with sleep issues and DS was weak to all of them, hence the need to treat them. So DS seems to be a bit messed up on the sleep front regardless of the food intolerances. What Koe and Eloise think about these NAET treatments?


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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #352 on: September 06, 2011, 18:48:21 pm »
Do you remember what might have triggered the eczema a few month ago?  New environment, new food, weather change?  I would definitely get her to check warm humidity.  That could very well be the cause.  I was allergic to cold, heat and I think I am still allergic to cold/wind, wet/wind. 

If only we could test and treat others ourselves!!  I think you are very close to the root. 


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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #353 on: September 06, 2011, 18:53:38 pm »
Do you remember what might have triggered the eczema a few month ago?  New environment, new food, weather change?

Not any idea at all??? It started in the end of winter and lasted the whole summer but slowly getting better with the NAET treatments. So weather change doesn't make sense in this case?

Re: the sleep issues. What do you think about the quote below in relation to the treatments? Any personal experiences and/or thoughts? 

Please also bear in mind that DS has already been treated through NAET for Melatonin, Serotonin, Dopamine, Cortisol , Cortisone and  Acetylcholine Chloride. These are all hormones and neurotransmitters associated with sleep issues and DS was weak to all of them, hence the need to treat them. So DS seems to be a bit messed up on the sleep front regardless of the food intolerances. What Koe and Eloise think about these NAET treatments?


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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #354 on: September 06, 2011, 19:13:40 pm »
My experience with sleep issues is always with allergies, environmental and food.  I haven't even got tested with those things u listed but I mostly sleep better now except a few odd occasions and then we found out yet another allergy.  That is also why I suggest to retest 15 basics.  I think u have come a long way having resolved the problems with those hormones. 

I am sorry that I have no idea.  My practitioner usually listens to what my feelings were and what I did and I told her about anything unusual that I noticed.  She would then pull out boxes of vials to test and she has a good guess of what to look for.  But like last appointment, she tested so many things in a very short time.  Perhaps she had no idea either, just test as many as possible until she found it.  She found the allergy that caused the back pain and back stiffness which is pretty much gone but I have muscle pain elsewhere.  Plus I have unusually heavy period right now, so my body is changing.  So M has been going through a lot of changes or perhaps these treatments triggered developments also, like the production of those hormones, etc. 

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #355 on: September 06, 2011, 19:24:13 pm »
That is also why I suggest to retest 15 basics.

Yes and thank you for that its already on my notebook. hehe

Plus I have unusually heavy period right now, so my body is changing.  So M has been going through a lot of changes or perhaps these treatments triggered developments also, like the production of those hormones, etc.

This is so true! DS’s body had an imbalance on all of those hormones and neurotransmitters . So it def takes a little time for his body to adjust or re-adjust.

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #356 on: September 06, 2011, 20:41:41 pm »
DS had a lovely day at nursey in the new room. He didn't even want to come to me when I walked in to pick him up! This was the first time ever! Apparently he fell asleep straight away on the mats. So thank God he had a whole hour nap.

We had another super busy evening after nursery with loads of wrestling, DS helping DH with DIY etc... and a short wind out. I was trying to replicate yesterday evening. I always find myself replicating  BT from the day before after a good night. he was asleep by 7:50pm about 10 mins later than yesterday. Hoping for another good night.

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #357 on: September 06, 2011, 21:04:29 pm »
That is great!!  Perhaps he will get regular nap in the new room! 

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #358 on: September 07, 2011, 07:35:55 am »
That is great!!  Perhaps he will get regular nap in the new room!
He has always had regular naps at nursery. I was just a bit concerned about him taking ages to adapt with naps on the mats in the new room, but luckily he was fine with it on the first day  :)

Ladies, another terrible night! Argh!!  DS had multiples NWs (11pm, 3am, 3:30am and was on and off from 4am until 5:50am.I gave him meds but it didn't help????? Needless to say that DH and I are knackered. DS woke up in a mess. He was in an awful mood ( he is rarely likes that in the mornings). Laying on the floor, not wanting to go downstairs, crying, moaning. He was back to his normal self when we took him dowstairs for breakfast.Bad nights like this+ the mood  would mean sickness to most los but M has horrible nights like this even when he is not sick :( He could be teething as his nose was running first thing in the morning but it stopped as soon as I got him up. Who knows? I can’t read him. I’m at a loss.I asked nursery to give him extra 30 mins sleep today. There is no point pushing him for 1 hour nap when he is so tired. Plus he has been on 1 hour naps for 10 days now and I can't see any difference :( . The fact that he moved rooms in nursery is not helping the situation. It took him about 2 months to get better sleep after moving from the baby room to the toddlers' room. He was OS for 2 months after the move :( I wonder how long it will take in this new room?????

Anyway, I have 2 new threads investigating possible solutions to the problem. Here are the links if any of you want to post. I welcome new ideas as well. Thanks

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Re: Nws + EWs + short nights are back.What do I do with this kid????
« Reply #359 on: September 07, 2011, 10:46:38 am »
Hey Grants, sorry you had a bad night :( I haven't read back through the entire thread but whenever we get one good night followed by one bad night it's a routine issue - usually the nap is still a bit too long and after the good night LO is too rested to sleep well the next night. I would usually try to stick the regular nap length, even after a bad night, (maybe give an extra 10mins if they're really hanging but I prefer to do earlier bed instead) and then cut the nap a bit more after the next good night. If that makes any sense!!

For us, giving a longer nap to make up for a bad night just perpetuated the cycle  :-\
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