thanks for sticking with me ladies

he just cut a canine yesterday and has been losing the plot during the day so havent had much time to respond. surprising eating reasonably well, just not picking up any fruit or veggies of course

and has been off his milk at breaky so go figure

ali, thanks. yep continuing with the mashed/chopped veggies in pasta and omelettes etc, he is happy eating them in that. and continuing to stick pieces on his plate that he doesnt touch. tho mind you, he has accepted 3 new foods this week (just not picking up fruit or veg), he is now eating grated cheese which is fabulous as now it wont be such a calcium concern to drop his breaky milk and he ate a couple of spoons of beetroot risotto last night, and he has had mashed stewed apple/pear/mango with df custard twice, that's huge! he is also drinking 'pear juice', really just 1tsp pear puree mixed in water but he has refused to drink this for ages. i'm hoping i can cut his breaky milk to half, and then replace his breaky milk with this 'juice' in a couple of weeks.
jean, thankyou so much for all the ideas and tips

i havent seen other reflux symptoms but i guess it could be worse since he is teething so badly atm, and then yes maybe wanting to soothe with milk first up. i dont really like it, but i have stuck with tv at breaky all week and he hasnt asked for his milk til after he's eaten his cereal once, but i guess he is rather distracted by the tv. he's actually even eaten mini wheats twice again which he used to love but has refused for at least a month.
on the sensory stuff, we had a horrid time switching from neocate LCP (infant) to the toddler one, granted they do have a slightly diff taste but we still cant get him past 50/50 infant/toddler formula. and given that higher sals = higher flavour then maybe he is rejecting it based on that and prefering blander foods

will def do some more reading. would love that oral motor program too please, it cant hurt.
i've actually changed approach a little too. in looking at the veggies he is eating (beans, sweet potato, zucchini, potato), they are all veggies that i started giving as puree, then mash, then chopped, then pieces. i'm thinking of trialling something similar for new tastes (eg. today he ate 1tsp mashed pumpkin, keep that up for a week to get him accepting the taste, then change the texture to chopped, etc). i'm still offering pieces on his tray for whatever it is worth. but i'm hoping this may get him to actually eat something if he does pick it up as he will already recognise the flavour. i dont know, maybe i'm clutching at straws

elo, thanks hun. he has rice milk on cereal atm. the first step of trialling cows milk would be on his cereal. i dont think i'm ready to touch that trial til all his canines are out, that way it should be a little clearer as to whether or not he is reacting (ie. nw, sore tummy, etc). he has been eating grated cheese for the last week, no reaction yet this time. 2/3mths ago he came out in a rash on day 5 and mucousy poop on day 6... wow, cant believe how much you had to scale back on sals for kai. was he on unlimited highs before??