Author Topic: I can't seem to get a good bottle/solids routine going please have a look!  (Read 2035 times)

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Offline *Amy*

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Ok so we have terrible ew's and I always feed and cross my fingers :)
Normally it goes
Wake 5am bottle 5oz never more or less always the same
Wake for day 6am (this is a good day she may not have gone back asleep)
Breakfast 7.30am ready brek porridge
Nap 9am bottle (5oz won't take more)
Wake 10
Snack 10 biscuits or fruit
Lunch 11.30 today was cottage pie (mince, onions, peas, carrots, potatoes) and a yogurt
Nap 1pm 5oz
Wake 2.30 snack banana
Dinner 4pm same as lunch
Bed 6/6.30 depends on wake up bottle only drinking maybe 3oz here!
So my problem is is that she seems to be getting most of her food in the am and therefore his might be why is she waking hungry! She won't settle for afternoon nap without milk feed, will only bottle feed when really tired!
Can anyone see anything that I could change?

Offline ~inbalance~

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Have you looked at any of the feeding routines here?:

I'm not sure I see anything that I would change!  Hopefully some others will be along with more eyes soon!  :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
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Offline rachelusc

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It looks like a fine schedule to me, as long as she is satisfied after each bottle or meal.  I noticed she goes to bed at 6 or 6:30 so I'm not sure the 5am wake up is EW; it could just be that she only sleeps 11 hours at night.  Have you considered trying to adjust her schedule so that she goes to bed at 7/7:30 and then the wake up would be at a more reasonable time? 

Offline *Kara*

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I would leave it alone if she is happy with it as well.  Or are you looking to condense her feeding a bit?

I agree that your 5am is not an EW.  Baby has to sleep less than 10 1/2 hours for an EW to occur ;)

Offline *Amy*

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Thanks for replies we are actually stuck in a cycle of ew and early bedtimes can't shift bed time later, any time I try we get terrible OT! Going to stop giving morning bottle first and then just give solids and bottle before first morning nap!

Offline *Kara*

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That's a terrible cycle to get stuck in!  I would start with the first nap and move it 10 minutes... shift the whole day by 10 minutes every couple of days and you will get it moved very slowly :)

Offline trimbler

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I know our DS is younger than yours, but we try and make breakfast and lunch his main meals and have a slightly lighter and earlier dinner. So after his pm nap he has a short bf (no idea how much he's taking any more, it certainly doesn't seem like much but maybe he's just being efficient!) and then dinner 1h later. So then we have a bit longer between dinner and BT so he has a nice long bf at bed and then I know for sure that he's not going to wake up hungry. So you might like to try something like that in order to eliminate hunger as a reason for waking in the morning? I know it's not technically an EW, but I also know that my DS likes longer nights (he's had to get used to longer nights as he's always been a bad napper!), so I understand if you think she might need more night sleep. HTH?